Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns Valentines Day Love & Fun

Feb 10, 2013, 07:19 PM

Welcome to the Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns

Valentine’s Day is this week.

It’s a day to let your loved one know how much you love them. So what are single people supposed to do? Should singletons send themselves cards & flowers?

Mmm, I’m not really sure about that but certainly it’s about making it work for you. This year I’m single for valentine’s day and I’m definitely not dreading it. I’m celebrating the evening as President of my Toastmasters club and we’ve lots of fun planned.

And who know’s what secret admirer is just looking for an opportunity to confess their undying love for you.

This is Fiona Kearns wishing you a fun valentine’s day whether you’re single, attached or some place in between.

#love #valentinesday #useful #sme #start #fionafkearns #mmm

Adept Communication is led by Fiona Kearns and is focused on maximising your confidence and communication skills. Adept Communication offer monthly boost clinics where you can have a dedicated session to focus on you so you can give and receive the best from life. Book your session by email