Episode #14: What Is Sobriety in 2020?

Feb 21, 2020, 03:32 AM

Episode image
Most people think of sobriety as abstinence from drinking. But, for anyone
in recovery, whether it be alcohol, cocaine, weed or another substance-
there’s a depth of meaning- undeniably multi-faceted. Sobriety is a way of
being in the world that extends to every aspect of who we are.

Part of my journey and reason for choosing this topic- I struggled with
anorexia and bulimia while thinking I could hide it from others around me.
It was coping mechanism of survival and a full-blown addiction that held me
hostage during my teens and twenty’s.

I’m honored to have Timo Ellis and Jill Rowley join me on today’s podcast.
Their willingness to be brutally open about their journey through addiction
to sobriety is incredibly moving.