#36 - Humans Are The Most Adaptable Species

Jul 01, 04:00 AM

Episode image
This episode covers:
  • A deep dive on how adaptable us humans really are
  • Proof that change is not just possible, but inevitable 
I used to believe that I couldn't change. That I was resigned to chronic pain & injury, and all the other things I didn’t like about my life. But it couldn’t have been further from the truth. But once I started taking ownership & educating myself, I ended up down the rabbit hole of evolutionary biology. I began to see where we came from, the story of our species, and why we have gone from swinging out of trees in Africa to conquering the world. The truth is we are the most adaptable species on the planet. And most people have no clue about the amazing potential they have. I have gone on to do things I never thought possible since then, but it all started with finally understanding what humans are truly capable of. And that’s what I will show you in today's podcast.

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