What to do when you're on your knees

Season 3, Episode 55,   Jun 25, 05:30 AM

Episode image
Say what you like, entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted. 

While fortune may well favour the brave, having the audacity to run your own business can bring you to your knees. 

Often, women come to me when they’re in a pickle, when they’ve thrown everything at it, and have had dark nights of the soul and are questioning their very existence, never mind if they’ve got what it takes to run a business 

Today’s conversation is about real talk. 

It’s raw, it’s vulnerable, it’s honest and I’m going to overshare on some of MY stuff. 

Today I am speaking directly to you if you feel like this. If you’re on your knees, if you don’t know where to turn – and yes – you’re panicking. 

This is exactly what I would do – and have done – to totally turn my ship around and go from screwed to smashing it. 


Have you read my book on Imposter Syndrome in female entrepreneurs? 

Go download your copy now HERE – it’s free! 

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