7 ways self-sabotage is ruining your business

Season 3, Episode 56,   Jul 02, 12:00 PM

Episode image
This week I got a call from an old client, an HR business owner.  

“I think I’m self-sabotaging and I can’t stop it” 

She was so frustrated, and kicking herself because she was no rookie. 

She’d nailed her vision, her values and she had a cracking service offering. 

And yet – she couldn’t quite break through a plateau. 

Every time it looked like it was certain this time, she was going to bust through to a new level, something would happen, and she’d be right back where she’d started. 

And she was tenacious – she knew how to pick herself back up and get on the horse. 

But it was getting harder and harder, and she was losing the faith. 

She was 100% right – it was self-sabotage at play. 

This is the story of what we did to get her to recognise how she was self-sabotaging, why she was doing it – and what to do about it. 


Have you read my book on Imposter Syndrome in female entrepreneurs?

Go download your copy now HERE – it’s free! 

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