QROT-114: Colorado D-bags too stupid to know they're tools of tyrants. Step back and understand the insanity.

Mar 13, 08:50 PM

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Hey guys... be careful and take advice of some 90-year-old test representative that "if Trump gets into office"... AHEM... it would threaten Democracy.

You can't make this *%&# up. 

But, worse, less than ten TDS-controlled people saying 6 million should be effectively disenfranchised, had to go... to... the... Supreme... COURT?????????

What the HELL are we doing. How are these people allowed to participate in "society". Shouldn't their only participation being having a Folgers can or hat nearby so that the functioning of us can drop a quarter in here and there as they sit on the sidewalk?

I have a legal education. Not that you didn't know, but we long ago crossed the line into pure "lawfare," I term I did not coin, but that I wholly endorse. THIS is that. And that no one goes to jail or is scolded out of the courtroom over such, is all you need to know about how far we've fallen. 

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