QROT-115: Freedom of speech turnabout is fair play. And utterly necessary for freedom!!

Mar 15, 04:46 PM

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,An example of why I just can't bleed anything but Libertarian. Among many (I hate to say) reasons why no matter how much I TRY to hope to believe in one side to truly and consistently stand for the causes of a free society, when it comes down to it, they here and their commit such HUGE violations of those principles so as to merely be of a different FLAVOR of violator than the side I do EVER support. 

In this case... what flipping part is hard about the concept that we cannot have a society that exchanges ideas freely if some situations / subjects / groups are not allowed to be criticized??

Imagine a world where a President cannot be criticized. No matter what, no matter how nuanced your critique, no matter how much you made your critique about the actions, not the person, you were not ALLOWED to do it?

Atrocious. UnAmerican. 

So.. why in holy HELL do you imagine that it would be okay to ban criticism of ACTIONS, the consequences of said actions, of not just an individual President, but a group or a foreign power??? Groups can't be responsible for actions and results worthy of criticism????? Obviously they can. There are factions merely at school board meetings, for God's sakes. There are actions made by school boards that are QUITE worthy of criticism. Let alone other actions made by other groups. 

But here we are not applying this basic logic in some cases.

This is so wrong-headed as to be otherwise entirely against what a certain political side (*cough cough* RePUBlicans *cough*) would SAY they're about! They say they're about VIGOROUS discussion. They COMPLAIN and hang their hat on the idea that they ALLOW ideas and the OTHER SIDE does not ("So-and-so was not allowed to SPEAK at an event he had booked on campus, thanks to those nuts! How outrageous! Be tolerant of speech!!!!")

Unless, because they're acting like simpletons, a subject THEY are supposed to hold to without fail is challenged. And in that case, no less than the epitome of who should be the BASTION of censorship immune.. a UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT... MUST be removed. 

For... ironically (except for that whole "their brain goes dead when they want it to" part) merely standing up for the idea of free speech on campus. 

Let me emphasize...as our traitorous primary and secondary public school system thinks it is too important for your CHILD to have a political opinion to worry about just generically teaching them facts and figures... and smart parents are rightly upset...  instead, in THIS case young ADULTS, of the age where it DOES make sense to start to understand and participate in political society, do so, and their institution's leader gets disgraced / removed merely due to the fact that that leader said, in essence, that young adults are of the age where it DOES make sense to understand and participate in political society!!!

To disallow speech, and while so doing, character assassinate (literally disobey one of the Ten Commandments, ironically) to deceive as though the speech was not motivated by an action instead of the mere identify of a group, is the highest sin of a society intending to be free. 

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

Noam Chomsky, The Common Good

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