How to set 2024 goals that stick!

Season 3, Episode 33,   Jan 09, 06:30 AM

Episode image
Are you ready to set some goals for year ahead? Goals that are audacious, that make your gut fizz and your fingers tingle?

Maybe you’ve already set some New Years Resolutions, and have already fallen off the waggon?

Maybe you’ve got some goals already, but they don’t quite feel right?

Maybe you’re feeling stuck, and overwhelmed with what to focus on first?

Well fear not, because in today’s conversation, I’m going to be teaching you my very best Aligned Goal Setting model.

You’re going to get:

  • Insight into your perfect vision for 2024 – tapping into what you really, really want
  • Clarity on your values (this is what makes goals stick), which will give you the fire in your belly
  • Knowledge on how to craft an unstoppable mindset (this is where most people give up on their goals)
  • Bespoke action PLAN of what you need to do to make this happen, especially what the first step is – so you can start taking action TODAY

I’ve created a FREE template for you to make this easy – no opt-in required – just download here.

Enjoy the episode! 

#goalsetting #2024vision #valuesledleadership #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #authenticleadership