#15 - How to Build a Resilient Body

Dec 04, 2023, 05:00 AM

Episode image
This episode covers:
  • The 3 bucket framework I use to make programs for Physical Freedom clients 
  • How to use this in your own life to build a resilient body 
  • This is info from a module in the Physical Freedom 1:1 Coaching Program

There is so much information out there. On Instagram, YouTube and beyond. So many exercises & methods. People saying this is the best and that is the worst. It’s confusing. To make things easier for clients to understand what they can work on, I divide it all into 3 buckets. If you want to build a resilient body, you can physically work on 3 things: Mobility, Strength & Coordination. In this episode, I will explain this framework and show you how to use it with your own body. To build a resilient body for your chosen sports/activities & life.

  • Opening the program once more before end of the year (On December 11th-17th)
  • DM/email me to arrange a consultation call that week to potentially take one of the coaching spots
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