#16 - Tension Over Position

Dec 11, 2023, 05:00 AM

Episode image
This episode covers:
  • A crucial concept to ensure you get the most from every exercise you do
  • How to utilise this principle to overcome the usual roadblocks with exercise cues
  • This is info from the Physical Freedom 1:1 Coaching Program
Exercise cues are great, but they can only take you so far. We have the same anatomy, but we have different length of limbs, different injury history etc. The same cues won’t work for everyone, and I remember hitting into this roadblock many times of my own journey to Physical Freedom. Where certain cues didn’t work for me, and only caused pain. In this episode I will go through a crucial concept that enabled me to overcome the flaws with cues, and keep moving forward and get the progress I wanted with my body.

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