Summer somnambulance

Sep 30, 2023, 07:19 AM

"The piece was a field recording of a park, containing both natural elements such as birdsong and an overhead biplane and passing emergency sirens. I wanted to imagine drifting off for a short while whilst lying in the park, imagining the way my brain works just before sleep. I took the least natural sounds, such as the siren, the plane and the sound of a passing train horn and isolated them, using sound design and turning them into a deep percussive rhythm, a light airy pad and an almost heartbeat sound. I combined these sounds with a piano and some gentle strings to create a piece that floats in and out of thoughts and sounds as I imagine myself drifting off whilst lying on the grass, only to wake up slowly a few minutes later . Other sound elements were added by manipulating the source material in different ways, including time stretching or adding delays and interesting reverbs to slices of the original sound."

Hogacre Park, Oxford reimagined by Ophertho. 

Part of the Music for Sleep project - for more information and to hear more sounds from the collection, visit