"Typewriter Talks" from Keep St. Pete Lit: 9-3-23 Episode 8: Brian Wedlake
Season 1, Episode 6572, Sep 04, 2023, 01:08 PM
After decades of working in the fashion world as a model and as a professional actor in Hollywood, Brian moved back to Florida in 2014 with his family where he picked up the pen again, which he hadn’t done since he won the North American Poetry Award at age 19. In 2022 he was awarded First Place in Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition and named a finalist in the 2021 Hemingway Shorts Literary Journal Competition. He is nearing completion on his debut novel, Emery’s Rule, which is a coming of age story wrapped inside of a treasure hunt. It has since been long listed (top 1% of submissions) in the 2022 Master’s Review Novel Excerpt Contest. He and his wife live on a 21 acre farm in Florida, with their two children and surrounded by nature. He work can be found at brianwedlake.com #keepstpetelit #brianwedlake #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete