"Typewriter Talks" 6-25-23: Chelsea Catherine;12:20pm Sundays RadioStPete
Season 1, Episode 6392, Jun 27, 2023, 01:54 AM
This week our guest is Chelsea Catherine. Chelsea has lived and worked all over the country. They won the Mary C Mohr award for nonfiction through the Southern Indiana Review and their second book, Summer of the Cicadas, won the Quill Prose Award from Red Hen Press. In 2022, they spent a month in Alaska at the Alderworks Artists Retreat. They are part of a cohort of ValleyCreates artist grantees in Western Massachusetts and their story, The Not-Deer, was recently published in an anthology out of London, UK. Their work can be found in Hobart, Passengers Journal, The Florida Review, and others. Their work can be found at chelseacatherinewriter.com. #keepstpetelit #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #typewritertalks