92 | The power of finding new layers of self-appreciation in times of great challenge

Dec 11, 2022, 02:45 AM

Episode image
December is appreciation month!

For the last month, I have been swept up in my own process of suffering, healing and personal evolution due to a health issue I have been dealing with. This is why I haven’t really been sharing anything new for a while! This experience allowed me to drop even more into myself and into gratitude for everything that I already have.

Therefore, in today’s transmission, I would love to share why I have decided to devote the month of December to abundance and gratitude! As we dive into December I want to share how important it is to feel and express gratitude and feel appreciation, in particular self-appreciation. 

I share why having a gratitude journal saved my life when I was in a very challenging period of my life, the potency of finding appreciation for myself, how epically courageous each one of us is and the path of reconciliation with our hearts.

I would love to encourage you, for this month of December, to find appreciation for even the smallest of things, at least once a day, even when the madness of our families at Christmas gets intense!

The Golden Drop: https://hdly.me/cendrines

Monthly collective meditation: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/collectivemonthlymeditation

This episode covers:

  • Why I haven’t made a new video in a while
  • December is the month of abundance and gratitude 
  • How gratitude and appreciation work together
  • The power of having a gratitude journal and how having one saved my life
  • Finding new layers of self-appreciation and self-love
  • We are courageous 
  • Self-love is something you already have
  • The path of reconciliation with our own hearts in order to heal
  • Appreciation month

💫 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, spiritual teacher ascension mentor, trance channel and the leader of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry.

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

We were born free, let’s reclaim our power within.

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