93 | Celebrating 2022: What happened this year and what lies ahead!

Dec 22, 2022, 11:46 PM

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I am so happy to celebrate the end of 2022 with you!

What a year we have had. We saw so many things happen in the world and I’m sure you saw many things happen in your personal life as well.

We certainly learned and grew a lot individually and collectively. 

Thank you so much for being here with me, for listening to my podcast and for sharing your love with me! I really appreciate all of the messages and emails I get from my audience about how much you appreciate the things that my High Council and I share.

In this episode, I just want to take some time to celebrate all the accomplishments that have been happening in my life as I continue to anchor my soul mission every single day.

I also share some exclusive insights on what is in store for The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry in 2023!

We hope you enjoy this episode celebrating the year that was 2022! I would love to hear from you. 

Let me know in the comments what you have accomplished in 2022.

Links to sign up for programs & events mentioned during this transmission:

✨ If you are interested in joining me on my mission by enrolling in one (or more) of the four pathways of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry that are starting next year, find more information here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/thepathways

✨ To join the Golden Circle in the new year and are ready to work 1:1 with me and my High Council, send me an email on info@cendrines.com. 

✨ Join my next free collective meditation happening on January 3rd at 1.30pm NZDT here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/collectivemonthlymeditation

✨ Sign up for Avatar Reprogramming for Channelling - a FREE four-day event from the 16th of January to the 19th of January. You can upgrade your experience to join the VIP group here too: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/avatarreprogrammingfreeevent

✨ Stay in touch with me and all of my events and offerings next year by signing up to my newsletter! You will receive a free downloadable Soul Blueprint meditation: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freesoulblueprintmeditation

💫 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, spiritual teacher ascension mentor, trance channel and the leader of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry.

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

We were born free, let’s reclaim our power within.

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