Ep #99: Just bloody write a book and get it published with coach and author Penny Wincer

Season 5, Episode 99,   Nov 16, 2022, 07:00 AM

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Welcome welcome, if you're new - this show's for heroic creatives who are marketing their work online. We’re in this together!

And this week, we're chatting to author and writing coach Penny Wincer.

Penny's life changed 3 years ago when she wrote and published her first book Tender, a compassionate and important book about the job of unpaid caring. It was informed by her experiences caring for first her mum, then her son.

It made her a go-to expert on the subject of caring and she's been featured in Red magazine, national newspapers and on BBC radio.

She also discovered a super power. That she's amazing at pitches. Or book proposals - the piece of writing you share with a potential publisher that argues the case for your book. Why it's marketable and saleable and why they should take a chance on it. 

So now she helps other authors to pitch their big ideas. 

We discuss, 

  • how to get to the point and win a pitch
  • why writing a book is a great idea (and when it might not be)
  • how to be most productive by doing exactly what you want


This is my @_helen_perry_ Instagram, in case we aren't already: https://www.instagram.com/_helen_perry_/.


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This show's produce by Suz at @story_publishing.