Ep #100: how to ask the right questions (and make more money) with market research expert Katie Tucker

Season 5, Episode 100,   Nov 23, 2022, 06:30 AM

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😮 Watch out, one or two moderate swear words in this one.

Our centenary edition guest is Katie Tucker - a woman on a mission to get small businesses behaving more like big ones so they can
  • create better products
  • make fewer mistakes
  • and more money!
How? By asking better questions and listening more carefully to the answers.

Katie is a Product Management & Customer Discovery consultant. Which translated means she helps people do brilliant market research. It's what big brands do to check customers want what they're making. But noone's told the little guy how, until now.

Katie's first book Do Penguins Eat Peaches is out in 2023 and she also shares tons of tips in her newsletter Jungle Juice, get it here: https://www.productjungle.co.uk/newsletter.

We chat about
  • where most of us go wrong when we talk to customers and clients
  • realistic marketing goals for solo businesses!
  • her book deal 🙌
Follow Helen on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/_helen_perry_/.
This show is produced by Suz at Story Publishing: https://www.instagram.com/story_publishing/

*** ⭐️ FREE BONUS EPISODE ⭐️ ***

There's a birthday special mini podcast available to listen to over on Patreon about all the things I've learnt about podcasting since the show launched in May 2021.

➡️ Click here to listen (just 8 mins) https://www.patreon.com/helen_perry ⬅️

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