Vyacheslav Likhachev: An Honest Discussion About Ukraine.

Season 1, Episode 20,   Oct 30, 2022, 11:42 AM

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See the YouTube video here: (1) Vyacheslav Likhachev - YouTube

Vyacheslav Likhachev is a historian, journalist, political scientist, and social activist. He holds a Ph.D. in History from the Moscow Lomonosov University, and graduated from the Jewish University in Moscow, Russia. As Research Fellow, he worked at Jewish University in Jerusalem, Central European University in Budapest, and Warsaw University, Poland. Taught at Jewish University in Moscow, Moscow State University, International Solomon University (Kyiv, Ukraine), and at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine). Head of the "Analytics" Program (Eurasian Jewish Congress, EJC), and of the National Minorities Rights Monitoring Group. Since 2008, Chief Editor of the official EJC website.

His research interests include ethnopolitical conflict studies, xenophobia on the post-Soviet space, ideology and activity of far-right groups in Russia and Ukraine, political extremism, theories of nation and nationalism, history of anti-semitism, activity of Jewish communities on post-Soviet space, and inter-confessional relations. https://krytyka.com/en/authors/vyacheslav-likhachev

Former head of the Monitoring Group for the Rights of National Minorities,Former Research Analyst at ZMINA. Center for Human Rights, Former Project manager at the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine, Former Fellow at United Nations Human Rights, Former Area Coordinator at Vostok – SOS, Former Guide at Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem, Former Founder at The Chernivtsi Museum of the History and Culture of Bukovinian Jews, Former Teacher at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, Former Teacher at Jewish University in Moscow, Former Editor in Chief at Jews of Euro-Asia magazine, Worked at the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, Former General Counsel, member at Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.

Euromaidan SOS: honest answers to the most common questions about AZOV in the West Euromaidan SOS: honest answers to the most common questions about AZOV in the West - Центр Громадянських Свобод (ccl.org.ua)

The Far Right in the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Far Right in the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine (ifri.org)

Right-wing extremism in Ukraine: the phenomenon of ”Svoboda” brocshura_block.indd (jewseurasia.org)

The “Right Sector” and Others: National Radicals and the Ukrainian Political Crisis of Late 2013 – Early 2104 https://www.academia.edu/27715875/The_Right_Sector_and_Others_National_Radicals_and_the_Ukrainian_Political_Crisis_of_Late_2013_Early_2104?fbclid=IwAR0uMb7h39-N5364jfrK-IXrEtIQPlHgul3Coq7AtQi_KHrfWJ35-zQw0S8

 In this video/audio


Ukrainian Nationalists vs Modern Ukraine (Nation building, OUN, formation of modern Ukraine.)

Weakening of the far right in Ukraine. 

Propaganda directed at Ukraine (Maidan to Russian invasion)

Yanukovych’s rule and loss of electoral support for the far right. 

Far right street crime and violence.

Impact of Russian invasion on the Ukrainian far right.

Azov Battalion. 
