The NazBols: Why are Left accounts posting rightwing content?

Season 1, Episode 11,   May 31, 2022, 11:43 PM

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This deep dive investigates National Bolshevism beginning in theory and history by using primary and secondary source material such as Karl Otto Paetel's National Bolshevist Manifesto.

Moving chronologically from the German school of thought we explore the history of personalities involved in the Russian National Bolshevik Party.  The writings of Eduard Limonov are displayed, and an overview of the party provided.

This transitions to Alexander (r) Dugin who is a pivotal individual to this discussion. Dugin's primary works, Foundations of Geopolitics and The Fourth Political Theory, are summarized.

Dugan provides a bridge to modern, US alt-imperialists via Caleb Maupin. Caleb has coopted much of Dugin's theory and repackaged it in an anti-imperialist aesthetic.

The discussion then branches out into red/brown media alliances, Jackson Hinkle, Glenn Greenwald, LaRouche, The Grayzone, Haz from infrared, Seemera Kahn etc.


O:00 Intoduction
2:00 Post WWI Germany, "Revolution from the Right"
13:00 Ernst Niekisch
23:00 Heinrich Laufenberg/Fritz Wolffheim
25:00 Appeal from the League of Communists to the German Proletariat
27:00 "Left Wing Communism an Infantile Disorder" V. Lenin
28:00 Karl Otto Paetel/National Bolshevist Manifesto
53:00 Russian National Bolshevism, Nikolay V. Ustraylov
58:00 Russian National Bolshevik Party/Eduard Limonov
1:42:00 Alexander Dugin
1:53:00 "The Fourth Political Theory"
2:47:00 "Foundations of Geopolitics"
3:00:00 1996 US Presidential Election
3:08:00 Nazbol Gang/Memes and Destiny/Vaush debates
3:13:00 Caleb Maupin
3:35:00 CPUSA/Glenn Greenwald
3:49:00 "The Red-Brown Media Spectrum" Grayzone, LaRouche, Conspiracies, New Horizon
3:58:00 Youtube/Twitter "Anti-Imperialist" accounts. Jackson Hinkle, Haz Infrared, Sameera Khan
4:03:00 Nazbol synthesis, MAGA as "volk"