Beat Back Pain
Season 4, Episode 2, Sep 21, 2022, 06:00 AM
Welcome to season 4 of the mindfulness Pilates podcast, I’m Beverley Densham Pilates Teacher of over 24 years. I really look forward to bringing you tips to reduce back pain and feel good, relaxation, positive affirmations, and inspiration every week to inspire you in body and mind for more relaxation, stretching, core stability, back strength and happiness.
This weeks episode is beat back pain
Enjoy, rate & review, share with your friends
Always consult a doctor & practitioner such as a Physiotherapist when you’re experiencing aches & pains
Love Bev
Beverley Densham
Mindfulness Pilates teacher & Author
Winner of the Janey Loves Platinum Awards 2022, practitioner category as Mindfulness Pilates teacher
This weeks episode is beat back pain
Enjoy, rate & review, share with your friends
Always consult a doctor & practitioner such as a Physiotherapist when you’re experiencing aches & pains
Love Bev
Beverley Densham
Mindfulness Pilates teacher & Author
Winner of the Janey Loves Platinum Awards 2022, practitioner category as Mindfulness Pilates teacher