1 Way Pilates Helped Back and Hip Pain with Author Julie New

Season 1, Episode 1,   Dec 18, 2020, 10:49 AM

Episode image
Today is re-release day of the first ever mindfulness Pilates podcast, 1 way Pilates helped back & hip pain with Julie New 

Julie New is an experienced personal recovery coach specialising in helping people after difficult and sometimes traumatic life change. Prior to starting her coaching Julie spent 20 years in the NHS as a senior nurse and midwife, she also worked on various pioneering NHS community projects. Since becoming a professional coach in 2006 she has developed a unique recovery program which has helped many people to reach new fulfilling phases in their lives, which they hadn’t thought possible. Julie is an author of popular unique personal growth gift books and is a well-known inspirational and motivational wellbeing conference speaker.

 Website: www.julienew.co.uk 

FREE 30 mins Discovery call – email julie@julienew.co.uk 

The Grief garden path book; http://bit.ly/3mLHBW0 

Who are the flower in your garden book: http://bit.ly/3nHxl2p 



Beverley Densham 

Pilates teacher of over 26 years 

Reduce back pain and feel good with mindfulness pilates 
