QROT-031: Omar Epps' Brother from Another Mother, and the Latest Date that is Supposed to Invoke Non-Think

Dec 22, 2021, 05:06 AM

Episode image
A follow-up to QROT-020 ("We Heroically Stopped a Fake Crime We Started! Goes the Broken Record").
In that episode, I gave the background of admitted operations paid by our money to ensnare stooges, in fake plots created from whole cloth by the authorities, to imprison them as terrorists, just so the authorities can gain a perception advantage and pat themselves on the back.

That clear and obvious pattern is in the open because the court docs when they convict the one to few folks they've framed.

But that does not mean that without court docs we cannot tell when it has happened otherwise. That is what this episode is about, and a very specific instance of it.

For instance, when someone is among the list of public enemies 1 to 16. A list that is top-of-mind, and the subject of an army of internet sleuths. And then, after identification by said amateur sleuths within a week, and after he identifies himself very openly in that same time period, but somehow the authorities still can't catch up with what everyone knows. And then, upon the accidental revelation to the larger national public that he is known but apparently the authorities have no interest in him, he just magically disappears, with no explanation, from the public enemy list that his face had so prominently previously been a part of.

Ladies and gentlemen. If we don't start speaking these hard truths, then they're going to continue this garbage. Enough is enough. Spread this. To "news" (at the very least to deflate those propagandists), to allies in the REAL (a.ka. "alternate") media, and to officeholders. If they see something they think is too fringe to say it above a whisper, they'll never openly admit it. Your repeating it to them can give them that courage. Not that they SHOULD need it, as they're elected to be courageous in protecting our rights and in keeping the system from corruption. But they do need our reinforcement and encouragement.

Please also, though I'm trying to be coy here, recognize the excellent work of a site I mention in the 'cast, and realize that THAT is what journalism in its truest sense is about. Every bit what they've done has more worth than the entirety of the cable channels and 99% of "news" papers across the land put together. The power of one determined group of individuals, who refuse to blink. Indeed. 

Thanks for listening! Please feel free to email me at tysonharley1776@duck.com with requests for appearances, thoughts, feedback, questions, observations, or show ideas! Please like my episodes and follow my show if that is what feels right to you!