QROT-032: You Don't Need the Smoking Gun. Not when the claim is against all of world history and reality

Dec 23, 2021, 08:13 PM

Episode image
If in all of recorded sports and recorded history, there was never an outbreak across MOST teams all at once, how is it that suddenly after about 12/10/21, well after flu season has started, it is the case?

Because it's not. Junk-in-junk-out. There is either bad detection, or bad categorization, or both.

As discussed in detail in previous recent episodes (QROT-27 and -28) among others. But this episode is for the emphasis that you don't need to be a data scientist or a forensic examiner for EVERYTHING.

You ever realize you were in the middle of being scammed? Did you need to put all the pieces together in perfect provable order in order to just realize "I'm being scammed," and extract yourself?

If someone tells you that their data is that people in one state average two feet taller than people in another state... your answer is not "hmmm... I'd like to see that data to see where you came from." Nor is it "well... you purport to have 'data' so what do I know - you're the expert." No. Your answer is... wait for it.... "That's not true, you're an idiot, a liar, or both." 

Thanks for listening! Please feel free to email me at tysonharley1776@duck.com with requests for appearances, thoughts, feedback, questions, observations, or show ideas! Please like my episodes and follow my show if that is what feels right to you!