26 | How to access your galactic channeling abilities

Aug 25, 2021, 01:19 AM

Episode image
When we talk about channeling we are talking about consciously shifting the mind to be able to achieve higher levels of consciousness. It is a conscious action that starts with the mind. 

The purpose of this episode is to give you tools to open up your channel even more so you can channel with more precision and possibly start channeling star races, earth elementals and other aspects of the divine that you haven’t had access to. 

When we use the tools I share in this episode to raise our frequency and open our channel, we can more easily practice and strengthen different channeling modalities such as conscious channeling, trance channeling, automatic writing, light language, artwork and so much more.

By taking aligned actions to shift our frequency and by consciously practicing opening our channel, our channel will be constantly wide open and allow us to be in constant co-creation with our galactic team, friends in spirit, earth elementals and with our soul as well.

This transmission is a clip taken from the Channeling module inside my new online course, Galactic Realms!

Galactic Realms will empower you to discover your star race connections yourself. You will be creating your very own Galactic Team and you will start co-creating together for the purpose of anchoring your mission and your purpose in this lifetime. 

Together we weave webs of divine light around the planet and we create a bridge all the way to the fifth dimension where the new earth is waiting for us!

For more information and to sign-up click here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/galacticrealms

This episode covers:

  • Tools we can use to access our channel
  • How to shift our consciousness to channel
  • Conscious channeling, trance channeling & other channeling modalities
  • Taking aligned actions to increase our frequency
  • Thinking of our channel and an open pipe
  • The four intuitive modes in relation to channeling
  • The power of channleing
  • What it means to be a super channel

Extra resources & links:

𐁉 Bonjour!

I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light.  

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!

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