27 | New Earth Meditation & Activation

Aug 29, 2021, 03:04 AM

Episode image
In this transmission, we are going to go deep into an activation/meditation journey to anchor in the New Earth and frequencies of unity consciousness. 

I am here to serve all light leaders and architects of the new earth, weaving webs of divine light all over the planet so we can create a new reality based on four primal codes of love, connection, abundance and freedom.

This transmission is going to recode your avatar, live more from the heart and start creating the New Earth from your heart. At the moment we are observing that everybody has beliefs and opinions about what is going on. 

To become a powerful creator is to reclaim that power and to literally choose the reality that we create. When the algorithm of the macrocosm presented to us is of such density, everybody abides by a similar narrative of separation and distortion. 

During this transmission, we are going to go deep into reclaiming our sovereignty as the creator and creatress of our reality. This is a potent algorithm of quantum manifestation!

First, I explain why this transmission is being shared, the algorithm of quantum manifestation and what is going to happen during this transmission. You will be given 3 powerful pieces of quantum technology to use to help you weave webs of divine light all over the planet together with me and all of the other light leaders who will also receive this transmission!

Do this activation as many times as you want! You can do it every day to help keep you anchored in the highest frequencies available to you. Skip ahead to 14:45 to go straight into the activation.

May you receive this transmission from the heart.

Together we will rise!


This episode covers:

  • Reclaiming our sovereignty as creators of our reality
  • The algorithm of quantum manifestion
  • Shifting the balance of the narrative to that of light
  • How this journey will teach you how to anchor new 5D templates 
  • The three Quantum technologies you will receive during this transmission
  • 35 minutes meditation & activation

Extra resources & links:

𐁉 Bonjour!

I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light.  

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!

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