25 | The 3D Matrix System and Our Beliefs Around COVID

Aug 19, 2021, 05:46 AM

Episode image
This episode is potent with important messages for humanity to help us reach a unified field of consciousness.

This transmission is most likely going to make you uncomfortable in many ways. I invite you to welcome this discomfort as a beautiful and potent pathway of evolution.

We reside in our curiosity and accept that we are experiencing discomfort as some of our belief systems are being challenged.Β 

The transmission is here to encourage you to reside more into your sovereignty as we move through so many distortions and separation happening in the world now.

The purity of this unified field of consciousness carried in this message is acting as cosmic surgery into your brain.

Today I am going to share with you about the greater architecture of the matrix system and how we identify with these matrix systems at the moment through our beliefs around the covid-19 situation and other situations arising in our field.

Allow yourself to choose the option of observing the matrix system, of choosing to dance with it and be so grateful for it. How can you embody the 4 primal codes of love, freedom, abundance and connection no matter what.

This transmission is here to help you not go back into outdated paradigms of reality that you want to shift away from to start with! When we start feeling unified consciousness that resonates so deeply with our soul, stay there and plug into your soul who knows exactly what is happening because your soul is already wired into the highest frequencies available and your soul is taking you there.Β 

If this message challenged you and resonated with you please share it with others!

I invite you to join me, in the 3rd option, of choosing neutrality.

This episode covers:

  • What the matrix really is
  • How our belief systems affect the architecture of the matrix
  • Residing in our higher fractal within the matrix
  • Shifting and expanding the matrix with our heart desires
  • How the matrix system is evolving as our belief systems and interpretations and broadening
  • How dramatic shifts in the matrix system, such as COVID, are causing people to experience separation and distortion
  • How COVID is an opportunity for us to actually anchor in higher levels of frequencies, new manifestation and a new reality
  • Choosing to plug into the frequency of unity consciousness and surrender to our soul
  • Choosing to remain neutral instead of choosing a side from a place of superconsciousness
  • How to change your reality by uplifting the whole through quantum coherence
  • We are consciously creating and dancing with the matrix as we transition into higher dimensions
  • Accepting all realities out there even if we don’t like them
  • How we can change the world and uplift the matrix systems
  • Choosing the third option: of having no belief system or opinion

Extra resources & links:

𐁉 Bonjour!

I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light. Β 

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!

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