Christmas at the Movies: The Santa Clause (Peace) - Robin Gough (8 December 2019)

Dec 09, 2019, 01:56 PM

"In putting on the suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer waives any and all right to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Claus..." Scott Calvin’s world is full of chaos and dysfunction. He is cosumed with success in every aspect of his life except in his role as a father where he struggles to connect with his son. That all begins to change one Christmas Eve night when Santa Claus falls off of the roof and Scott puts on the suit. Soon, he has assumed the role and responsibilities of Santa -as well as Santa's attitude! When we put on Christ, who we are begins to change. We reflect Jesus to a world in chaos. And rather than run from it, we bring the gospel of peace.