All IN: Belief, Fear, and Faithfulness - Ethan Brown - (24 February 2019)

May 20, 2019, 10:34 PM

There are two generations in the book of Numbers - one that was not ALL IN, and one that was. The first generation witnessed the mighty deliverance  events of the Exodus, in which God took on and defeated the world hegemon Egypt. They were there to stand at the foot of the mountain and saw God's hidden presence in the smoke when he gave the law to Moses. But when they were at on the verge of faithfully taking the land, they acted in fear instead. God is faithful, whether we are or not. Big picture, the book is a sifting book that calls on us to ask ourselves, “Do I only have belief that God exists (something I share with Satan), or am I devoted to trusting him and living based on his reality?”