Song: It's Fun To Boo 'Coz It's FeBOOary

Feb 28, 2012, 10:30 PM

Episode image

Young man / If you've got an iPhone / I said Young man / You'll never feel all alone / You just Download / An app called Audioboo / You can Get it on Android, too

It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry You can listen to Sair / And to radiokate Macolgan and omaniblog

It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry You should check out dean read / Also jacquelineB Sassycat and SawyerGB

Young man / You've got something to say / I said Young man / Why not record everyday? / It's so Easy / You never know who'll hit play Black or white, boy/girl, straight or gay

It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry You can hear Akrabat / Pilgrimchris, Iankath Even Muchadiaboutnothing

It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry It's fun to boo coz it's / Fe-BOO-a-ry So check out Ernmander / Glencharnoch, Soulcruzer And Slandi and JamieDoughty