How to validate your product idea in 4 weeks with Murali

Mar 05, 2016, 02:28 AM

Episode image

Murali is the founder of Agile Entrepreneurs where he runs a program called 4 Week Startup (4WS). 4WS teaches entrepreneurs how to validate a product idea in just 4 weeks. Murali was also an active board member of Immigrants' Support Network (ISN) where he played a pivotal role in lobbying for H1B dual intent law which benefits many immigrants on their greencard process.

  In this episode Murali also talked about:

How he ended up in the US
Why he chose the university and how he ended up in silicon valley
How he started his company on H1B visa
How dot-com crash killed his ambition for few years
Influencers he was able to connect to
Why 90% of the startups fail
How external factors impact your chances of success
What do seek from mentors
How was TiE helpful or not
How he launched his startup creatively during a conference
Why does he run a least exclusive club for entrepreneurs
How he applies scrum methodology to teach entrepreneurs
Does making more money make you smarter?
What to do to execute and get your product out quick
How to define your success metric for your startup
What is the most important step for your podcast
Why not to focus on features for your product (what to focus on instead)

Connect with Murali Webiste: Agile Entrepreneurs

Email: murali [at]