A preview of our new podcast, Better Off Dead

Nov 11, 2015, 07:27 AM

Episode image

Introducing Better Off Dead – a new podcast from Andrew Denton and the Wheeler Centre. Listen to a preview of our first episode, and visit wheelercentre.com/betteroffdead to hear more.

In the first episode of Better Off Dead, writer and broadcaster Andrew Denton explains that since the painful and protracted death of his father Kit, he's been asking why good people are being forced to die bad deaths in Australia because we have no law for assisted dying.

Andrew begins his quest for answers by speaking with his late father's doctor. He also speaks with Margaretta Pos, a Tasmanian journalist whose 2013 article in the Monthly about her own father's peaceful, planned death in the Netherlands sparked Andrew's curiosity about voluntary assisted dying.

In search of more information about the potential risks and complications of voluntary euthanasia, Andrew attends the HOPE Symposium in Adelaide, where anti-euthanasia advocates from around the world are gathering to discuss campaigning strategies. What he hears at the conference leaves him shaken – and with many more questions.

Please note: this podcast is not about suicide. If you are interested in increasing your understanding of suicide and how to support someone experiencing suicidal ideation, visit the Conversations Matter or beyondblue websites.If you (or someone you know) require immediate assistance, contact one of the following 24/7 crisis support services: Lifeline (13 11 14), Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), MensLine (1300 78 99 78), beyondblue (1300 22 4636), Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) or eheadspace (1800 650 890).

Further information Better Off Dead is produced by Thought Fox and the Wheeler Centre.

Executive producers Andrew Denton and Michael Williams. Producer and researcher Bronwen Reid. For Better Off Dead, the Wheeler Centre team includes Director Michael Williams, Head of Programming Emily Sexton, Projects Producer Amita Kirpalani and Digital Manager Jon Tjhia. This episode was edited and mixed by Jon Tjhia.