The Interrobang: Why be good? Questions of work, love and feminism

Nov 28, 2015, 08:25 AM

Episode image

Discuss the complexities of gender and power with the formidable critical faculties of Meghan Daum, Jane Caro, Geraldine Brooks, Nakkiah Lui and Sally Warhaft.

While Roxane Gay has popularised the notion of being a ‘bad feminist’, one might ask: what does a good feminist look like? How about a good woman, parent, lover, worker? Why be good, anyway?

Left to right: Jane Caro, Nakkiah Lui, Meghan Daum, Sally Warhaft and Geraldine Brooks

In a broad, inclusive and multi-generational discussion covering the soft corners and spiked edges of today’s feminism, we put our Brains Trust to work on the major questions that women face.

How should a woman be at work, in love, and in relation to power? How might women think through approaches to parenthood, personal safety and professional prejudice? What is a modern family? What’s femininity, and how valuable is it?

How can diverse feminism consolidate influence?