River exploring in his new dog house

May 13, 2014, 02:54 PM

I am trying to put food on the floor of the doghouse in various places so that he can realize that positive things happen in there. The doghouse is a shelter from the rain or hot days if he ends up staying outside when there comes a time he won't be able to get around as well as he does now. He has arthritis and we are having him the semiretired. I don't work him on the streets anymore. So this is just a part of his adjusting to more transition in his life that will happen sooner than we all would like. Don't worry, he will always sleep in our house and be still were here he belongs, in our room as a part of our family. We just got him a little bit of a shelter from the storm when we are not there. Actually some friends got together in the Skype community and gave us this dog house. We wanted to share with you all what a blessing it is.