"No taste" for further sanctions against Russia

Apr 16, 2014, 05:26 PM

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It's been another day of increasing tension in Ukraine.

The defence ministry there says six armoured personnel carriers have been captured by pro-Russian militants.

The western defence organisation NATO has announced it'll beef up its eastern members' defences in the Baltic States.

Ukraine's NATO representative -- Ihor Dolhov -- says the unrest in the country is being stirred up by Russia.

All of this has been taking place the day before a key meeting in Geneva involving Russia and the US, along with Ukraine and the European Union.

The US and Europe have already slapped visa bans and asset freezes against people close to the Kremlin. Washington has also sanctioned a bank led by a man nicknamed "Putin's banker".

Further sanctions have been threatened. But will anything meaningful be imposed?

A question for the US economist Dr Irwin Stelzer.