‘Where is the Barefoot Galilean in the established Church?’
Today, the Catholic Church along with the Christian Church is experiencing a serious decline in vocations to continue their charitable causes. Are you surprised? I’m not! I see the hand of God in this by allowing their numbers to decrease offering many of the Orders the golden opportunity to rethink their values and make positive changes. Sadly, there is a core element within each spiritual community who carry clout and whose voice always overrides the enthusiastic members seeking to implement change for the best. Many have entered the wilderness experience and having heard their heart summon them to return to following their Barefoot Galilean, their mindset rooted in centuries of fear and guilt has blocked the Spirit of God releasing their hearts to enter a new phase of lay monasticism. And yet, they remain continuous when they see how the Spirit of God is calling men and women to embrace a more relaxed way of spiritual living as lay monastic’s without the religious drudgery and enslavement to religiosity, dogma, a lives where love is nonexistent in their celebration of the Divine.