Driver Distraction & Mobile Phones with Dr David Strayer (@FreakyFWoof)

Jan 17, 2013, 11:17 PM

Episode image

#mobile #driving #distraction #Accidents #InattentionalBlindness #Inattention #awareness

In this interview Dr. David Strayer from the University of Utah talks about his research on driver distraction and how cell phone use while driving impacts driving behavior. Using different empirical approaches ranging from observational studies to driving simulations in the laboratory, Dr. Strayer explains the role of inattentional blindness in the fourfold increase in crash risk when driving while talking on the cell phone. The interview was conducted at the University of Idaho by Mike Teske, beginning graduate student in human factors psychology.

You can see an example of the Gorilla Test mentioned in the interview - this one conducted by Dr Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire - here on YouTube

The Wikipedia link to Inattentional blindness is here -

"Inattentional Blindness (Cognitive Psychology)" by Arien Mack & Irvine Rock is available on Amazon here -