The Buddhist Centre
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News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha.

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The Buddhist Centre

452 episodes
Sources of Inspiration with Paramananda
  1. Sources of Inspiration with Paramananda - Atula, Working in the Depths (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 37)
The Many Jewels: Buddhism, Writing and the Arts
  1. Ironic Points of Light (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 25)
  2. The River Under the River (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 27)
  3. Into the Dark Wood (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 30)
  4. These Are The Moments (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 32)
Hair On Fire: Using the Threefold Way of Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom to Turn Toward Climate Change
  1. Hair On Fire, Episode 1 - Ethics (Earth Week 2020)
  2. Hair On Fire, Episode 2 - Meditation (Earth Week 2020)
  3. Hair On Fire, Episode 3 - Wisdom (Earth Week 2020)
  4. The Making of 'Hair On Fire' with Mary Salome (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 19)
The Dharma Toolkit
  1. Sources of Inspiration with Paramananda - Atula, Working in the Depths (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 37)
  2. Bringing Online Learning to the Slums of India (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 36)
  3. The Alchemical Heart (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 35)
  4. Buddhist Economics, Part 2 - Post-Pandemic (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 34)
ECA Winter 2017
  1. The Winter 2017 Triratna European Chairs Meeting Comes To An End
  2. Subhadassi and Arthavavadin In Conversation at the Winter ECA 2017
  3. Dassini and Mokshini In Conversation - European Chairs' Winter Assembly 2017
Triratna Preceptors' College Meeting November 2016
  1. Saddhaloka Reviews the November 2016 Preceptors' College Meeting
  2. Subhuti on the Bodhicitta
  3. Maitreyi talks about a recent 3-week retreat at Akashavana
  4. Jnanasuri and Karunamaya talk about women's ordinations in India
Triratna International Council 2016
  1. Day 7 Summary - Imagining A Vision Into Being
  2. Day 6 Summary - In Our Time Machine
  3. Buddhist Voices - Ratnashri and Vijaya from India
  4. Harmony and Conflict Resolution - Day 5 Summary
Young Buddhists!
  1. Rainer's Pilgrimage
  2. Berlin Young Buddhists Community
  3. Buddhism and Elite Athletics
International Council
  1. Dhammarati on Sikkha - a new project to review and develop training in the system of practice
  2. Dhammarati on sabbatical, solitaries and the International Council
Preceptors' College Meeting - March 2016
  1. Yashosagar and Amoghasiddhi talk about the 60th anniversary of Ambedkar's conversion to Buddhism
  2. Satyaraja and Kamalashila talk about meditation
  3. Introducing Purna
  4. Padmavajra and Dhammadinna talk about the private preceptors' retreats
Preceptors' College Meeting - November 2015
  1. Subhuti talks to Saccanama about the history and development of the Preceptors' College
  2. Parami talks to Varadevi and Dharmanandi about the women's ordination process in Australia and New Zealand
  3. Jnanasuri, Chandrashil and Yashosagar reflect on their time at Adhisthana
  4. Parami y Moksananda hablan de la reunion del Colegio de Preceptores Publicos que se celebra estos dias en Adhisthana, Inglaterra.
Conscious Surrender to the Beautiful
  1. Choir rehearsal, Order weekend
  2. Conscious Surrender to the Beautiful - The Sangharakshita@90 Exhibition: Nine Decades
Triratna Mainland European Convention
  1. Mainland European Convention #4 - An Historic Event
  2. Parami's Perspectives - Berlin #1
  3. Mainland European Convention #1: The Brothers Karuna
  4. Mainland European Convention #2 - German/Nordic Sisters
Triratna Writers Convention 2015
  1. Writers Convention 2015 - Be Here Now by Ananda
  2. Writers Convention 2015 - Small Boy by Norman MacCaig
  3. Writers Convention 2015 - Young Women Writing Their Way
  4. Writers Convention 2015 - No. 4, Satyadaka on Sangharakshita's library, Richard Holmes and Samuel Johnson
Parami's Perspectives
  1. Parami's Perspectives No. 7 - Dharmamodini on Triratna Adelaide
  2. Parami's Perspectives No. 6 - Maitripala on Women's Ordination and Her Australian Pilgrimage
  3. Parami's Perspectives No. 5 - Rijumayi on Young Buddhists Australia
  4. Parami's Perspectives No. 4 - Tejopala and Akasamati on Climate Change and Triratna
Dedicating An American Stupa
  1. Arriving to dedicate a stupa
  2. Introductory dedication verses
  3. Tibetan puja verses
  4. Tibetan purification hymn
Triratna Public Preceptors' College, Spring 2015
  1. Preceptors' College - Transitions 8
  2. Preceptors' College - Transitions 7
  3. Preceptors' College - Transitions 6
  4. Preceptors' College - Transitions 5
Triratna Public Preceptors' College, Autumn 2014
  1. Preceptors' College Summary: Dhammarati
  2. Preceptors' College Day 7: Karunadevi & Padmavajra
  3. Preceptors' College Day 6: Padmasuri & Saddhaloka
  4. Preceptors' College, Day 5 - Parami & Kamalashila
Suvajra's Seasonal
  1. Suvajra's Seasonal - No 3, Winter: Meeting Dhardo Rimpoche
  2. Suvajra's Seasonal - No 1, Summer (Part 2)
  3. Suvajra's Seasonal - No 1, Summer (Part 1)
The International Council
  1. International Council 2014, Voices No. 8 - Jnanadakini (Latin America & Spain, Order Strand)
  2. International Council 2014, Voices No. 7 - Maitriratna and Vijaya (India, Order and College Strands)
  3. International Council 2014, Voices No. 6 - Dharmananda (South Pacific, Order Strand)
  4. Maitreya Mantra - Triratna International Council 2014

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