The Buddhist Centre
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News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha.

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The Buddhist Centre

452 episodes
Mantra Chanting and Ritual
  1. refuges and precepts
  2. mantras
  3. Heart sutra in French
  4. Heart Sutra in Flemish & Mexican Spanish
Triratna Sangha!
  1. Buddhist Voices - Suriyadhamma from Cambridge, Massachusetts
  2. Buddhist Voices - Aryadrishti from Portland, Oregon
  3. Buddhist Voices - Dayamati from New Mexico
  4. Anagarika Convention with Parami No.3 - Goodbye from Adhisthana
  1. Adhisthana Boo No. 1
  2. Adhisthana order dedication
  3. Adhisthana Launch - Order Day
  4. Adhisthana Order Dedication Ceremony led by Parami
Triratna Day!
  1. Happy Triratna Day!
  2. Triratna day starts at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, UK
  3. Sarah shares what's she's grateful for...
  4. Matt introducing and expressing what he's grateful for
Triratna India!
  1. Convention Boo No. 3 - Nissoka and Triratna in Bodh Gaya
  2. Convention Boo No. 2 - Processing to the Mahabodhi Temple
  3. Convention Boo No. 1 - An aural sampler of first night!
  4. India Boo No. 9 - Closing Council Boo
Triratna America!
  1. Buddhist Voices - Triratna America 2014
  2. Buddhist Voices - Suriyadhamma from Cambridge, Massachusetts
  3. Buddhist Voices - Aryadrishti from Portland, Oregon
  4. Buddhist Voices - Dayamati from New Mexico
Young Buddhists!
  1. refuges and precepts
  2. mantras
  3. Young Buddhists facilitators at Adhisthana
  4. Transference of Merits & Padmasambhava Mantra
Occasional Jewels - Around the World!
  1. Windhorse Publications - Small Buddhist Publishing In A Digital Age
  2. South Pacific Dharmacharinis
  3. Introducing BAM - Buddhist Action monthan interview with Lokabandhu, Amalaketu and Mokshini
  4. Friends of Suvarnaprabha Chanting In The Evening After Her Death
Live from the ECA!
  1. Avalokiteshvara Mantra By Fire
  2. European Puja!
  3. Padmasambhava Mantra
  4. Avalokitesvara Mantra
  1. Buddhafield Yatra Boo day 7
  2. Buddhafield Yatra Boo, Day 5
  3. Buddhafield Yatra Boo, Day 3
  4. Buddhafield Yatra Boo - day 1
Triratna International Retreat 2012 - Imagining the Buddha
  1. International Retreat setup starting at Taraloka
  2. First evening at the the Triratna Buddhist Community International Retreat!
  3. How do YOU imagine the Buddha...?
  4. Buddha Shakyamuni mantra chanting on the International Retreat set-up
Buddhafield Yatra
  1. Buddhafield Yatra boo - the team gathers
  2. Buddhafield Yatra Boo - day 1
  3. Buddhafield Yatra Boo, Day 3
  4. Buddhafield Yatra Boo, Day 5
Triratna International Retreat 2014
  1. Avalokitesvara and Padmasambhava mantras
  2. First meal impressions
  3. International Tea time. First morning
  4. Dedicating this international retreat
Urban Retreat 2013 - Blazing Like The Sun
  1. How the Urban Retreat 2013 works if you are new to meditation...
  2. Introduction to the Urban Retreat (if you're familiar with meditation)
  3. Vajragupta - The Significance Of the Urban Retreat Being An International Event
  4. Upekshadaka - On Metta (Loving Kindness)

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