Westminster Abbey
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Sermons, services and reflections from Westminster Abbey and lectures on issues of faith, ethics, politics and public policy-making from the Westminster Abbey Institute.

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey
321 episodes / 867K listens
Lent and Easter reflections 2024
  1. Lent and Easter reflections 2024: Easter Day
  2. Lent and Easter reflections 2024: Holy Saturday
  3. Lent and Easter reflections 2024: Maundy Thursday
  4. Lent and Easter reflections 2024: Good Friday
  1. Abbeycast: Holy is his name - A podcast to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VJ Day, and the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  2. Abbeycast: Come unto me - A podcast for the fourth Sunday after Trinity
  3. Abbeycast: Tu es Petrus - A podcast for St Peter’s Day
  4. Abbeycast: The Rewards of Hospitality - A podcast for Third Sunday after Trinity
  1. A contemplation of Hope
  2. What is Hope?
  3. Charles Gore Memorial Lecture 2020: A Theology of Hope for the 21st Century
  4. Hope in Society
Art, Imagination and Public Service
  1. Symposium: Art as Public Service
  2. Ruling from the Heart: the poet and the cabinet minister
  3. Bureaucracy should be beautiful: the musician and the permanent secretary
  4. Envisioning Justice: the painter and the judge
Festival of Our Lady of Walsingham
  1. Sermon given by The Most Reverend Rino Fisichella at Festival of Our Lady of Walsingham
  2. Lecture given by Eamon Duffy FBA at Festival of Our Lady of Walsingham
  3. Sermon given at Festival of Our Lady of Walsingham Solemn Eucharist
A service to recognise fifty years of Continuous At Sea Deterrent
  1. Leading Engineering Technician Edward Owen gives a Testimony
  2. Rear Admiral Tim Hodgson MBE gives a Testimony
  3. Isobel Fraser gives a Testimony
  4. Address given by the Dean of Westminster at a service to recognise fifty years of Continuous At Sea Deterrent
  1. Meanings of justice in law, philosophy and politics
  2. The Charles Gore Lecture: Justice, Mercy and Remembrance
  3. Westminster Lecture: Is a just society possible?
  4. Westminster Lecture: Can institutions be just?
A Service of thanksgiving for the Lord Carrington
  1. Address given by Lord Luce at the Lord Carrington thanksgiving service
  2. Tribute to his father given by Lord Carrington
30th Annual Day of Prayer
  1. 30th Annual Day of Prayer - Waiting on God: Part 3 - Silence with the beloved
  2. 30th Annual Day of Prayer - Waiting on God: Part 2 - Hopeful prayer
  3. 30th Annual Day of Prayer - Waiting on God: Part 1 - Faith in worship
Kristallnacht 80th anniversary service
  1. Leslie Brent's Testimony at A Service of Solemn Remembrance and Hope on the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
  2. Freddie Knoller's Testimony at A Service of Solemn Remembrance and Hope on the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
  3. Bea Green's Testimony at A Service of Solemn Remembrance and Hope on the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
  4. Rabbi Baroness Neuberger's Reflection at A Service of Solemn Remembrance and Hope on the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
Embracing Global Challenges
  1. Have the machines taken over?
  2. Humanity's response
  3. Has migration overwhelmed us?
  4. Have we killed the planet?
Sir Peter Hall
  1. Sir Trevor Nunn gives an address about Sir Peter Hall
  2. Sir David Hare gives a tribute to Sir Peter Hall
Tributes to Professor Stephen Hawking
  1. Lord Rees' tribute to Stephen Hawking
  2. Tom Nabarro's tribute to Stephen Hawking
  3. Professor Kip Thorne's tribute to Stephen Hawking
  1. Truth Told
  2. Truth Sustained
  3. Truth Pursued
  4. True Enough? Lies, Diplomacy and Politics
  1. Nick Clegg - The Coarsening of Political Language
  2. The One People Oration 2017 - John Major: The Responsibilities of Democracy
  3. Protest and Liberty: How the Reformation Shaped Modern Democracy
Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lectures
  1. 32nd Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture: Faith and Imagination
  2. 31st Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture: The Sacred, the Profane and the Desecrated
  3. 30th Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture- Blessed are the Hypocrites?
  4. 29th Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture: Beyond Justice
  1. Serving the Public: Mission Impossible?
  2. Integrity and the Modern Intellectual Tradition
In The Public Eye
  1. One People Oration 2016 - Secret Service? National Security in an Age of Open Information
  2. How Impartial? - A dialogue organised by the Westminster Abbey Institute
  3. Press Freedom; Press Responsibility - A dialogue organised by the Westminster Abbey Institute
Combat Modern Slavery Service, 12th October 2016
  1. Address given by Cardinal Nichols at the Combat Modern Slavery service, 12th October 2016
  2. Address given by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Combat Modern Slavery service, 12th October 2016
  3. Address given by Prime Minister Theresa May at the Combat Modern Slavery service, 12th October 2016
  4. Address given by the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner at the Combat Modern Slavery service, 12th October 2016
Stand and be counted
  1. Stand and be Counted - Idealism
  2. Stand and Be Counted - Morality
  3. Stand and Be Counted - Purposefulness

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