Shakespeare on Generosity Sonnet No 4 for @ajleon 31/1080

Season 1, Episode 1887,   Oct 03, 2012, 05:46 AM

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No 31 of 1,080 poems Read the latest communication from the heart of #pursuitofeverything for backdrop to this poem & comments. "Generosity always wins" is the short title AJ Leon gives to a piece in which he quotes Khalil Gibran & Confucius. A piece in which tell tells a true story from Portland USA. A blogpost in which he remember3 3 nights Melissa & he spent in Victoria Railway Station in London UK. "Generosity always wins" - the catch cry. @ajleon has gone to "World Vision" an organisation that provides "emergency assistance to children & families affected by natural disasters & civil conflict, work with communities to develop long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on beheld of the poor." Shakespeare wrote this sonnet... He's not responsible for the reading.