Kemerevo memories
Dec 01, 08:44 PM
"Every field recording is like a memory. The one I was working with, more so. Assigned randomly, the first time I listened to it, it sounded like a journey. A memory from a journey. I tried to reimagine this piece as if it was my own memory - how would I remember it if I had no field recording of it?
"A journey, a haunting melody, whispers, atmospheres... all a blur and a few moments standing out more clearly than the others. I sampled sections of it in a way that I would expect my memory to remember it, passing through other time based effects... and here we are"
Kemerevo folk songs reimagined by Sourya Sen.
IMAGE: Илья КУЗБАСС, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
"A journey, a haunting melody, whispers, atmospheres... all a blur and a few moments standing out more clearly than the others. I sampled sections of it in a way that I would expect my memory to remember it, passing through other time based effects... and here we are"
Kemerevo folk songs reimagined by Sourya Sen.
IMAGE: Илья КУЗБАСС, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons