"You Are A Wonder" Psalm 139 Series - Part 13 | Malcolm Cox | Quiet Time Coaching Episode 547

Season 2, Episode 2246,   Nov 28, 2024, 02:00 AM

Today, we look at verse thirteen of the Psalm.

“For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139.13

We are entering the third section of the Psalm. Verses 13-18 declare that God made us; therefore, we are secure and in awe of him.

‘Formed’: “Among the many ways the word is used, one is in connection with God’s creation: His creation of heaven and earth (Genesis 14.19, Genesis 14.22), His creation of Israel (Deuteronomy 32.6), and, here.” POSB

God is not only everywhere and knows everything (and everyone), but he is also purposeful. He makes, forms, and weaves.

God creates our spiritual *and* physical parts. The God who creates galaxies is just as involved in the intricacies of individual life creation. We matter, and our bodies matter. Our 'inward parts' matter. What are the 'inward parts'? Literally, they are the kidneys. In contemporary thought, it was the seat of conscience.

Where is Jesus in this?
“All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being” John 1.3

“And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus.” Luke 1.31

How does this help us?
All things are made through Christ. That means we were made with his full knowledge. We're talking unimaginable wisdom, power and creativity. But there is more.

The declaration from the Angel to Mary reminds us that Jesus Himself was "knit together" in Mary’s womb. This points to the mystery of the incarnation—Jesus, fully God, became fully human, experiencing the same divine care and design in His physical formation as we do.

Jesus made us, and he was made into us. If anyone knows us, it's him.

Do you feel truly known by God? Truly understood by Jesus? Truly inhabited by the Spirit? What will help you to develop a lived experience of the closeness of God?

1. Read the passage from Luke and meditate on it.
2. Imagine yourself as Mary receiving this news.
3. What is God saying to you through this extraordinary declaration?
Next time, we will move on to verse fourteen.

I am planning a spiritual experience day based on Psalm 139 in the spring of 2025. If you'd be interested, please email me at malcolm@malcolmcox.org.

Your brother, Malcolm

Please add your comments on this week’s topic. We learn best when we learn in community.

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Music used in this recording: "Carpe Diem" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License.  [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Images from Stencil: https://getstencil.com/