“Economics and Eternity” by Greg Chandler
Nov 02, 2024, 09:22 PM
We have long tried to deemphasize the importance of possessions with phrases such as, “You can’t take it with you” or, “You’ve never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.” Still, Christians struggle with trust in “stuff” more than trust in God. This, however, is nothing new. As a man worried about receiving an inheritance interrupted Jesus’ teaching, the Lord schooled him in the danger of this problem, leading to His Parable of the Rich Fool. While the parable helps make the point, it is even more powerful when dropped into the fuller context of Luke 12 and the Lord’s teaching on trusting God. This sermon will focus on the parable and its context. The study will seek to show the dangers of a covetous view of the future and how this danger is resolved with a deeper confidence in the Lord.
A sermon given by Greg Chandler on October 27, 2024.
A sermon given by Greg Chandler on October 27, 2024.