<b>Hello, this is CM Extra, the Capital Markets Exchange Podcast.</b>
<b>Welcome or welcome back.</b>
<b>Whether you joined us for the previous</b>
<b>episodes of the podcast earlier in the year, our most</b>
<b>recent episode on Dealer Wallet Chair all</b>
<b>were in London for the inaugural in-person</b>
<b>You're all very welcome to the CMX universe.</b>
<b>A reminder that we've lined up a diverse array</b>
<b>of conversations with experts from throughout</b>
<b>the capital markets community, everything</b>
<b>from mastering syndication and issuance to</b>
<b>how to survive market blackouts.</b>
<b>They're all on the agenda here on the podcast.</b>
<b>But if there's a topic you'd like us to</b>
<b>cover either on the podcast or at an event, then</b>
<b>well, do get in touch.</b>
<b>Find us at the CMX on LinkedIn.</b>
<b>Here today, though, we're all about showcasing desk power.</b>
<b>In the current financial landscape, heightened</b>
<b>market volatility, increased regulatory scrutiny</b>
<b>and rapid technological advancements have</b>
<b>all conspired to make trading more challenging.</b>
<b>What's more, geopolitical tensions and economic</b>
<b>uncertainties have led to unpredictable market</b>
<b>movements, making it difficult for trading</b>
<b>teams to execute strategies with precision.</b>
<b>Add to that, of course, intensified</b>
<b>competition thanks to algorithmic trading and artificial</b>
<b>And it's clear that traders are under more</b>
<b>pressure to adapt quickly and demonstrate</b>
<b>value add than ever before.</b>
<b>Joining us today are two guests with a rich</b>
<b>understanding of the context and challenges</b>
<b>that traders face today and with a wealth of quick wins and strategies, we hope, to</b>
<b>help desks realize and demonstrate value.</b>
<b>So joining us are senior trader for currency</b>
<b>solutions at Insight Investments, Rich Turner.</b>
<b>Hello, Rich.</b>
<b>Hello, how are you?</b>
<b>I'm good.</b>
<b>Thank you.</b>
<b>I hope you are too.</b>
<b>And also joining us, we have global head</b>
<b>of fixed income trading at Invesco, Ray Oui.</b>
<b>Hello, Ray.</b>
<b>How are you doing?</b>
<b>I'm good.</b>
<b>Thank you for both joining us here on today's show.</b>
<b>And as an opener, an icebreaker, I guess, just let's do some introductions.</b>
<b>And Rich, I'll come to you first of all.</b>
<b>Give us 30 seconds on who you are and what</b>
<b>responsibilities you have, where you are,</b>
<b>along with an answer to this question.</b>
<b>Are you an alpha contributor or a cost center and why?</b>
<b>Take it away, Rich.</b>
<b>Hey, Rich Turner, Insight Investment.</b>
<b>I've been a trader for 20 years in FX.</b>
<b>We trade electronically using algorithms.</b>
<b>And I certainly think that we do add alpha to the whole process.</b>
<b>The last bit of that is why.</b>
<b>You are very adamant that you do.</b>
<b>I guess my question is, to what extent</b>
<b>would everybody where you work agree with that?</b>
<b>Well, I think the stakeholders we have here,</b>
<b>there's always a two-way conversation between</b>
<b>the stakeholders who are driving orders and us</b>
<b>who are executing the orders in the marketplace.</b>
<b>But I think, to answer the question, why?</b>
<b>The fact we have that conversation mean</b>
<b>that we are trying to impact the alpha and the</b>
<b>decision making and the trades that we're trying to do.</b>
<b>So I think part and parcel of that, or</b>
<b>communication, is the fact that we do add to the alpha.</b>
<b>Very good.</b>
<b>Thank you.</b>
<b>Same question to you, Ray.</b>
<b>From where you work and what responsibility you have there.</b>
<b>And that same, are you an alpha contributor</b>
<b>or a cost center and would others agree with</b>
<b>your view?</b>
<b>So thanks, David.</b>
<b>Ray Uy, I've been with Invesco for the past 12 years.</b>
<b>Currently, I am head of our global fixed</b>
<b>income currency and commodity trading desk.</b>
<b>I've been in the industry for 30 years,</b>
<b>mostly in the global macro space and emphatically</b>
<b>within fixed income and FX, our desk definitely adds alpha.</b>
<b>And I guess the reason I would say that is</b>
<b>because within OTC markets, trading desks</b>
<b>are a much more integrated part of the</b>
<b>investment process and are likely to be embedded in</b>
<b>that investment process</b> <b>on a day-to-day basis</b>
<b>communicating with our</b> <b>portfolio managers</b>
<b>to generate the best outcomes for clients.</b>
<b>Yeah, the extent to which desks in different shops are embedded or not.</b>
<b>I know we're going to come on to that in just a moment.</b>
<b>But Ray, do you feel as though, given how</b>
<b>you're positioned and how you're organized,</b>
<b>there is a job that you need to do in terms</b>
<b>of promoting, in terms of acting as an internal</b>
<b>champion for your desk?</b>
<b>Or are things so well integrated, so well</b>
<b>communicated there that actually performance</b>
<b>speaks for itself?</b>
<b>No, I wish it did.</b>
<b>I think the active dialogue and lines of</b>
<b>communication are an essential feature for a well-functioning</b>
<b>communication are an essential feature for a</b>
<b>well-functioning desk.</b>
<b>And certainly that's something that my team</b>
<b>in partnership with our investment teams work</b>
<b>very hard at ensuring is operating at an optimal level.</b>
<b>So given how you're set up there, Ray, do</b>
<b>you find that you kind of don't really have</b>
<b>to promote what it is that you do, that</b>
<b>you don't need to go on that kind of internal</b>
<b>selling piece because the performance speaks for itself?</b>
<b>Or is there still a job to do there?</b>
<b>Yeah, there's still definitely a job to do.</b>
<b>And I think the advocacy for the desk is a</b>
<b>consistent feature of my job, but not something</b>
<b>that is overtly explicit.</b>
<b>I think the trading desk functions as a conduit more.</b>
<b>The value is in being a good conduit as opposed to the actual execution.</b>
<b>And so I think you can tell the level of</b>
<b>efficiency that you're operating with just by </b>
<b>the level of dialogue across your</b> <b>teams and the portfolio managers.</b>
<b>Same to you, Rich, is promoting and being</b>
<b>that internal champion for your trading desk</b>
<b>something that you have to work hard at where you are?</b>
<b>I think it's something that we historically haven't done very well.</b>
<b>So I think really it's part of my modus</b>
<b>operandi is to wave the flag about what it is we do</b>
<b>and show what we do is intricate and there are skills to it.</b>
<b>So I think it's very important that we do wave the flag as it were.</b>
<b>And what is your flag waving technique?</b>
<b>How do you best go and let stakeholders,</b>
<b>let the rest of the business know how well you</b>
<b>are performing?</b>
<b>Is this just a case of going and giving presentations?</b>
<b>Is it a case of getting some data and</b>
<b>really demonstrating the value in various ways?</b>
<b>I think the most important thing is to have</b>
<b>a very, I mean, we've a very open plan office</b>
<b>here, but it's most important that anybody</b>
<b>is welcome to come and sit by your side as</b>
<b>you're doing your job.</b>
<b>So I think that's definitely one of the most</b>
<b>important things is to being always open to</b>
<b>approaches and also being transparent and very, very open.</b>
<b>But again, to your point, yes, there is a</b>
<b>degree where it is about perhaps getting people</b>
<b>in the room and sharing them what it is you do.</b>
<b>But we're the best one in the world, the</b>
<b>best place to see it is at the cold face, which</b>
<b>is at my desk.</b>
<b>And Ray, you spoke about your setup there</b>
<b>being pretty well integrated, but based on</b>
<b>your experience outside of that setup, there</b>
<b>are some real challenges, are there not between</b>
<b>being integrated with PMs versus having centralized desks?</b>
<b>Can you chat us through what they are?</b>
<b>I think if you were in a purely active shop,</b>
<b>and generally this is the historical structure</b>
<b>of most trading desks, traders were embedded</b>
<b>within the investment teams that they serviced,</b>
<b>generally because most of the investment</b>
<b>strategies and to that extent desks by extension</b>
<b>were largely organized around market sectors.</b>
<b>And so your traders were part, had a</b>
<b>specialty that aligned with the investment teams that</b>
<b>they served.</b>
<b>And so they were naturally embedded within</b>
<b>that structure or part of that structure.</b>
<b>As the managers have grown and become more</b>
<b>diverse in the types of mandates that they</b>
<b>manage for their clients, centralized structure came more into prominence.</b>
<b>And especially for us, we have a fairly</b>
<b>broad and diverse set of portfolios that the desk services, ranging</b>
<b>from all the flavors from passive to complicated active strategies.</b>
<b>So we need to hit that sweet spot in</b>
<b>in terms of having a centralized organizational</b>
<b>structure, but having a more flexible functioning structure.</b>
<b>And for some of my team, we sit together and</b>
<b>it's a centralized pod that sits exclusively</b>
<b>within our areas of the trading area of the</b>
<b>floor, whereas other members of my team are</b>
<b>more embedded and integrated with the</b>
<b>portfolio managers that they work with and those tend</b>
<b>portfolio managers that they work with and those tend</b>
<b>to be all on the active side.</b>
<b>And so that's trying to centralize</b>
<b>centralized because you want to adapt the</b>
<b>operational scale and efficiency of the</b>
<b>platform, but still you need to recognize that there</b>
<b>are some functional elements that you just</b>
<b>can't get away from given the importance of</b>
<b>communication and the point that Rich and</b>
<b>I raised at the outset, whereby I think for</b>
<b>fixed income and currency trading, that</b>
<b>trading is sort of an embedded part of the investment</b>
<b>And in terms of when it comes to</b>
<b>demonstrating the value to stakeholders who need to see</b>
<b>that, the analytics piece behind that,</b>
<b>Ray, you know, it's the saying goes, there are</b>
<b>lies, there are damn lies, and then there are statistics.</b>
<b>To what extent do you use data and analytics to demonstrate the value add?</b>
<b>And what are the potential pitfalls that shops can fall into when they do that?</b>
<b>Yeah, so that's a great question.</b>
<b>And I would say, I think from a pure</b>
<b>analytic perspective, the area that we utilize</b>
<b>it the most is probably just TCA and for a</b>
<b>whole host of reasons related to governance</b>
<b>and other regulatory requirements,</b>
<b>that tends to be the area where we, I would</b>
<b>say, are most analytically heavy.</b>
<b>And I don't think it's a great, I haven't</b>
<b>found, I should say, a great framework for</b>
<b>adapting a quantitative or analytical framework to</b>
<b>quantify alpha for your trading desk contribution.</b>
<b>I personally think that most of those</b>
<b>structures can lead to a misalignment of incentives and</b>
<b>incentivize people to game the system.</b>
<b>And at the end of the day, especially for</b>
<b>active mandates, really what's more critical</b>
<b>is ensuring that you're able to execute and</b>
<b>establish the exposure that you want for your</b>
<b>portfolio, adding another layer of complexity</b>
<b>or execution phase to carve out alpha is probably</b>
<b>not as valuable as the overall</b> <b>investment objective.</b>
<b>And so that's kind of where we sit on that.</b>
<b>Candidly, I think the other bit that probably</b>
<b>makes more sense to deploy your analytical firepower is</b>
<b>within pre-trade market intelligence.</b>
<b>So I'll leave it there.</b>
<b>OK, Rich, over to you on the analytics piece.</b>
<b>Among the concerns that Ray has there is</b>
<b>about, well, marking your own homework and a skewed</b>
<b>viewed of the skewed view of the data.</b>
<b>What's your take?</b>
<b>Well, I think the first thing, and we're very</b>
<b>active about this, is keeping things very transparent.</b>
<b>So effectively, we're not marking our homework.</b>
<b>So I think if you're keeping the data</b>
<b>transparent around the TCA, then it's for everybody to see.</b>
<b>And we have a separate team here that are looking</b>
<b>at the data analytics who sit very far away from us.</b>
<b>So they come to us and say, this is what we found.</b>
<b>What do you make of this?</b>
<b>So we take the decision making away from us, as it</b>
<b>were, around whether or not something looks good.</b>
<b>But I think the other thing to bear in mind is that</b>
<b>you need different benchmarks for different strategies.</b>
<b>So a passive strategy and an active strategy will have very different approaches.</b>
<b>And so I think that's very, very important is picking the</b>
<b>appropriate benchmarks for the strategy or be taken on board.</b>
<b>And I think as explaining and looking at things</b>
<b>and explain to people from the outside of trading,</b>
<b>we sometimes within trading, we talk a foreign language and it's very hard for</b>
<b>people to understand what the heck it is we're talking about.</b>
<b>So invariably, what we try and do is keep things very simple so that we can explain</b>
<b>what it is, what we do to other people within the organization.</b>
<b>I think that's a very, very important thing as well.</b>
<b>As one of the pitfalls, as you would be alluded to, is the fact that you could have</b>
<b>reams and reams of data that you analyze to the nth degree</b>
<b>and just come up with a very, very confusing chart of sorts.</b>
<b>So it's about keeping things simple.</b>
<b>On the quantitative side, obviously, data really, really important.</b>
<b>Is there anything that you take in from the qualitative</b>
<b>side here as well that you feed into performance management?</b>
<b>Yes, I think Ray alluded to it.</b>
<b>He was talking about before the trade arrives,</b>
<b>have you done your analytics of what's going on?</b>
<b>And the same trade could arrive on your desk five times in the market.</b>
<b>It could be in a very, very different environment as</b>
<b>the world stands nowadays with everything so electronic.</b>
<b>The noise, as it were, that you used to hear about when</b>
<b>lots of flows going through the market isn't there anymore.</b>
<b>So invariably, up until the point you actually hit go or start a trade,</b>
<b>you don't know what the market is going to look like, but you can use your</b>
<b>intuition and your qualitative approach to sort</b>
<b>of get an idea of what state the market is in.</b>
<b>And Ray, any builds on what Rich was saying from</b>
<b>that qualitative as well as the quantitative approach?</b>
<b>And I guess as we try to understand if it is possible to</b>
<b>put a dollar value on the alpha generation from your desks.</b>
<b>I think the value add or, you know, specific to your question on the quantitative</b>
<b>and qualitative, it's really more about a process than a pinpoint number.</b>
<b>Facts and circumstances can kind of dictate how</b>
<b>outcomes are perceived or your performance is evaluated.</b>
<b>I think one of the hallmarks qualitatively that I like to observe is if you have a</b>
<b>desk that brings value and your traders are operating at a high level, you tend to</b>
<b>see a lot of traffic by the portfolio managers to your area, right?</b>
<b>I think there's that sort of natural process of your team being sought out for</b>
<b>consultation for a whole host of</b> <b>portfolio items, whether that's</b>
<b>an assessment of market conditions,</b> <b>whether that's help in structuring a trade</b>
<b>or the best way to structure a trade</b> <b>or a strategy and those type of things.</b>
<b>And so you can sort of the frequency of traffic tends to be a pretty good hallmark</b>
<b>of just how well your team is doing, in my opinion.</b>
<b>OK, OK. So again, we've spoken about the different ways in which desks that are</b>
<b>centralized, you can have desks that traders who are</b>
<b>very much integrated within the investment process.</b>
<b>And again, different members of our audience</b>
<b>today will have different experiences of all of those.</b>
<b>But based, Rich, on your experiences, both where you are and also in your peer</b>
<b>group, in terms of the ways in which you can heighten engagement in the investment</b>
<b>process, what are the ways that you've seen it work successfully to involve traders</b>
<b>at the trading desk in the investment process?</b>
<b>Make sure that they just aren't part of the execution. But there's a feedback loop</b>
<b>there that enables them to add maximum value right from the beginning, right</b>
<b>through to the end and then feed back into the beginning next time around again.</b>
<b>Yes, I think part and parcel of the answer to the question is being flexible. Some</b>
<b>days, for example, we have a discretionary trader, some days he wants some input</b>
<b>into what he's about to do, other days it's</b>
<b>just, you know, let's please just get this done.</b>
<b>And there's no conversation, but I think, again, we have quantitative strategies</b>
<b>that, you know, we're involved with. And sometimes those quantitative strategies</b>
<b>need some sort of input, which will be done on a holistic basis over, say, a three</b>
<b>month to six month period or even a year long.</b>
<b>So it's changing your approach for, you know, changing your approach and knowing</b>
<b>the stakeholder that is, you know, being involved in sending the order to the</b>
<b>trading desk and working out</b> <b>when it's appropriate for you to</b>
<b>involve yourself in that</b> <b>process, and when not to.</b>
<b>And same to you, Ray, in terms of making sure, depending upon how you're set up,</b>
<b>but I guess the best piece of advice to make sure that the traders are as</b>
<b>integrated are as involved and have the opportunity to add as much value as they</b>
<b>are able to into the end to end process. What would you say?</b>
<b>Yeah, so I think if we can divide that question along two dimensions;</b>
<b>to Rich's point, I think for the areas of our operations that are related to more</b>
<b>passive strategies, we organize our</b> <b>workflows very systematically, right?</b>
<b>So that we can be very efficient and handle a lot of volumes seamlessly leveraging</b>
<b>all of the trading technology at our disposal. The other side, in terms of</b>
<b>handling active portfolio mandates,</b> <b>a couple of key things that I think</b>
<b>make a huge difference is number one, the traders</b>
<b>need to understand the portfolios that they're servicing,</b>
<b>the objectives, risk tolerances,</b> <b>much in the same way that</b>
<b>the portfolio manager does, right? So understanding the</b>
<b>client needs and objectives and guidelines is critical.</b>
<b>A second feature that I think is very important and certainly one that isn't</b>
<b>necessarily controlled by the trading team, depending on</b>
<b>the organization, is participation in investment meetings.</b>
<b>I certainly encourage my team to the extent that it's feasible in their day to day</b>
<b>I certainly encourage my team to the extent that it's feasible in their day to day</b>
<b>to be involved in the regular cycle of investment strategy</b>
<b>meetings that fixed income investors have.</b>
<b>And I think that allows them, A, to glean insights into how the portfolio managers</b>
<b>are thinking about it, how we're thinking about risk at the macro level and asset</b>
<b>allocation, but then also gives them a forum to demonstrate their expertise, their</b>
<b>insights and increase, or strengthen the</b> <b>bonds</b>
<b> between traders and portfolio managers.</b>
<b>And I think that all comes back to the way of looking at it, that traders are the</b>
<b>eyes and ears of the market, the portfolio managers, aren't they? They are there on</b>
<b>the front line and that's with that insight, with that horizon scanning that near</b>
<b>and long view, there's definite value that they can add there.</b>
<b>Rich, just as we start to wrap up, we've spoke about the challenges that traders</b>
<b>are facing and, you know, whether it's geopolitical this or, you know, all the rest</b>
<b>of the market instability that everyone in all markets are facing right now and</b>
<b>what that means for traders. What do you see as the biggest near term challenge and</b>
<b>what it is that you are trying to do to make sure that traders are doing the best they can?</b>
<b>Are continuing, you know, as a leader in this space, what are you, what's your top</b>
<b>thing that you're trying to do at the moment to ensure that leaders are able to</b>
<b>continue to add the most value? And it sounds as though you've got it pretty much</b>
<b>sorted, you've got a very good stable platform there as it is.</b>
<b>But clearly there are challenges out there. So what are</b>
<b>you doing to ensure that this positive outcome continues?</b>
<b>Yeah, so front and center insight investment is our, you know, policy around best</b>
<b>execution and making sure we're getting the best results for all of our clients and</b>
<b>satisfying all the regulatory needs. So I think that's very front and center.</b>
<b>But I think in all of the things that we do in this is regarding, you know,</b>
<b>actually trading communication with people discussions. It is all boils down to</b>
<b>having a process for everything that comes across our desk and not just having a</b>
<b>process, but having a process that has a feedback loop so</b>
<b>that when things change, the world changes very quickly.</b>
<b>And, you know, we have, we're open to the process of change as well. So I think</b>
<b>that's very important is that you have the processes</b>
<b>and you're very open to the process of change as well.</b>
<b>And those changes we spoke earlier on about technological changes and the world</b>
<b>becoming more and more algorithmified, more algo,</b>
<b>more AI and all of that sort of stuff, those changes.</b>
<b>I guess you prepare, you don't know what is around the corner, but as long to your</b>
<b>point as you've got some processes that will enable you to understand, to analyze</b>
<b>what this may mean, then you've got a process</b>
<b>for dealing with the change, whatever it is.</b>
<b>Yes, 100%.</b>
<b>And Ray, same to you. Again, you have a very mature, pragmatic approach where you</b>
<b>are. But in terms of the challenges, the known unknowns and maybe the unknown</b>
<b>unknowns, how do you best prepare yourself for those challenges, you and your</b>
<b>teams, for those challenges and make sure that you are able to continue to</b>
<b>demonstrate value, to add the value as well.</b>
<b>Yes, echoing Richard's sentiment,</b> <b>I think it's critical that your</b>
<b>platform is able to integrate and adapt to the changes that technology and the</b>
<b>abundance of data has brought forth into the</b>
<b>market structure and into the workflows in this space.</b>
<b>But one of the key things that</b> <b>I think is really important is despite all</b>
<b>of the advancement in quantitative methods, technology in the market structure,</b>
<b>while that requires increasing levels</b> <b>of analytical literacy from your trading team,</b>
<b>at the end of the day, the function itself is still one that's relationship driven,</b>
<b>both internal and external. And I think without having a very well established</b>
<b>muscle around communication and relationship building, it makes the other aspects</b>
<b>of the job harder to implement effectively, in my opinion.</b>
<b>Are relationships, given the different ways in which we're working, given the</b>
<b>different ways in which we're engaging with technology in order to execute on our</b>
<b>work, are those relationships that maybe we once took for granted now something</b>
<b>that we have to work more consciously to enable and to develop in order to enable</b>
<b>the kind of smooth flow that you speak of there, Ray?</b>
<b>Yeah, I think, at the core, having great relationships</b>
<b>or being able to establish, good relationships and lines of communication</b>
<b>with external and internal constituents </b>
<b>are table stakes really for having a</b>
<b>well functioning operation as a trading desk.</b>
<b>Thank you. I tell you what, we'll leave it there for now. And this whole thing</b>
<b>about relationships, this is a constant theme, no matter whether we're talking</b>
<b>about technology or leadership or high performance and the ways in which technology</b>
<b>is changing the nature of the relationships that we have with team members. But</b>
<b>like I say, we'll come back to that another time. But we'll leave it there for now.</b>
<b>Rich, Ray, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. And a reminder that you</b>
<b>can catch up with our previous episode on AI in Trading, Leadership and Culture,</b>
<b>Dealer Wallet Share, all of that good</b>
<b>stuff. And more wherever you found this episode.</b>
<b>And also you can find it on the cmx.com that's the hyphen cmx.com, as well as in</b>
<b>all the normal places where you'll find your podcasts. And if you like what you've</b>
<b>heard today, then well share it with your colleagues, leave us feedback, the cmx</b>
<b>page on LinkedIn is a great place for that.</b>
<b>And while you're there, perhaps tell us what you'd like us to cover in future. And</b>
<b>speaking of the future, some finance hive in person dates for your diary in q4 24</b>
<b>November 14 is the fixed income hive members meeting in London December the fifth</b>
<b>is the FX hive members meeting also in London, and looking forward to 2025.</b>
<b>It's cmx 2025 on Thursday, the third of July 2025 back at the Woolwich works</b>
<b>remember the Woolwich works from those heady days earlier in summer 2020 for join</b>
<b>us again on Thursday, the third of July 2025 and if you want to find out more about</b>
<b>any of those head on over to the hyphen cmx.com.</b>
<b>But that's all for now, from me, David, from our guests, Richard and Ray, and from</b>
<b>all of the cmx production team. Thanks for joining us. Until next time.</b>
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