The Haunted Hay-Adams Hotel: Deep Dive Discussion

Oct 17, 09:01 PM

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In this episode, we explore the storied history and ghostly presence at Washington, D.C.’s Hay-Adams Hotel. Built on the site of the homes of John Hay and Henry Adams, this luxurious hotel holds more than just political intrigue. The tragic story of Clover Adams, who took her life in 1885, haunts the halls, and many believe her spirit still lingers, making her presence known on the fourth floor. Guests have reported feeling deep sorrow, hearing soft weeping, and catching glimpses of a spectral woman dressed in period clothing.

We dive deep into Clover Adams' life, her connection to Henry Adams, and how her untimely death left an indelible mark on the property. We also explore the eerie encounters reported by guests and staff alike, from objects mysteriously moving to cold spots in the hotel’s hallways. Could Clover Adams still be watching over her former home, unable to let go of the tragedy that defined her life?