The Shield of Corruption: How the Texas Legislature Protects Borris Miles and Enables Misconduct

Episode 80,   Sep 30, 06:51 PM

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Read the original texas Watchdog article Silence in the Senate: The Texas Legislature’s Refusal to Address Borris Miles here.
You’d think that in a state as loud and proud as Texas, where independence and justice supposedly reign supreme, elected officials would be held to the highest standards. After all, the Lone Star State’s political brand is built on hardline accountability — tough on crime, zero tolerance for corruption, and a refusal to back down from a fight. But behind the flag-waving and chest-pounding, there’s a different story playing out in the halls of the Texas Capitol. It’s the story of Borris Miles, a state senator with a decade-long record of serious allegations, from sexual harassment to financial mismanagement, and the Texas Legislature’s cowardly refusal to do anything about it.
Instead of justice, what we’ve seen is protection — an institutional cover-up that’s left victims without recourse, as the state’s politicians prioritize party loyalty and political expe...

Read the original texas Watchdog article Silence in the Senate: The Texas Legislature’s Refusal to Address Borris Miles here.

You’d think that in a state as loud and proud as Texas, where independence and justice supposedly reign supreme, elected officials would be held to the highest standards. After all, the Lone Star State’s political brand is built on hardline accountability — tough on crime, zero tolerance for corruption, and a refusal to back down from a fight. But behind the flag-waving and chest-pounding, there’s a different story playing out in the halls of the Texas Capitol. It’s the story of Borris Miles, a state senator with a decade-long record of serious allegations, from sexual harassment to financial mismanagement, and the Texas Legislature’s cowardly refusal to do anything about it.

Instead of justice, what we’ve seen is protection — an institutional cover-up that’s left victims without recourse, as the state’s politicians prioritize party loyalty and political expediency over integrity. Miles, a walking catalog of scandal, remains in power, untouchable, shielded by a corrupt legislative system that lets him off the hook time and time again. This is Texas politics in 2024: where accusations of sexual misconduct are swept under the rug, and the accused not only evade consequences but thrive, bolstered by the very system that’s supposed to hold them accountable.

The Allegations: A Decade of Misconduct

Let’s start with the facts. Over the past decade, Borris Miles has been the subject of numerous allegations, ranging from sexual harassment to legal and financial troubles. It’s not just one or two isolated incidents — it’s a pattern. The accusations against Miles first gained serious attention in 2017, when multiple women came forward with stories of sexual harassment and assault. According to The Daily Beast, the allegations included claims that Miles forcibly kissed women and made inappropriate sexual advances. Not just a one-off drunk incident — a repeated offense.

You’d think that kind of scandal would end a political career. But this is Texas, where the powerful protect their own. Instead of being investigated thoroughly and held to account, Miles carried on with his political career almost as if nothing had happened. No formal disciplinary action. No resignation. No accountability at all.

In 2024, more allegations surfaced, reported by Texas Monthly. A Houston-based political consultant, Tayhlor Coleman, accused Miles of groping her at a party. She described the senator as pulling her in for a hug, then sliding his hand down to grope her. This wasn’t the first time Miles was accused of inappropriate touching — nor would it be the last. And yet, despite mounting accusations, Miles continued to sidestep consequences.

His office has been described by staffers as a place where misogyny and inappropriate behavior were tolerated, if not encouraged. Staffers left, citing an environment they found hostile and demeaning. Meanwhile, Miles’ response to all of this has been classic deflection — calling the accusations politically motivated attacks by “powerful enemies.” It’s a strategy that’s worked because of the Texas Legislature’s deeply flawed approach to dealing with sexual misconduct among its members.

The Texas Legislature’s Silent Complicity

In most workplaces, if you’re accused of sexual harassment, there’s a process. There’s an investigation, disciplinary action, and, in serious cases, termination. But in the Texas Senate, there’s no such thing. Instead, senators are free to handle these allegations “internally,” meaning they can choose to deal with them as they see fit — without any oversight, transparency, or accountability. In Miles’ case, that’s meant sweeping accusations under the rug and continuing on as if nothing happened.

According to Texas Monthly, under the leadership of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, the Texas Senate has repeatedly failed to take action against senators accused of sexual misconduct. In fact, the Senate has actively buried and dismissed complaints. It’s a culture of silence and complicity, where powerful men are protected, and victims are left voiceless.

The Senate’s policy requires official complaints to be filed with the Director of Human Resources or the Secretary of the Senate to trigger an investigation. But how can you expect victims — many of whom are young staffers or interns — to feel safe filing a complaint when the system is so clearly stacked against them? The fear of retaliation is real. Miles, for example, has remained defiant throughout, denying all wrongdoing and painting himself as the victim of a smear campaign.

Even more absurd is that there’s no investigative committee in the Senate to handle these cases. Unlike the Texas House, which at least has a committee dedicated to investigating ethical violations, the Senate is operating in the dark ages. The lack of a formal investigative process means that allegations against senators like Miles can be ignored indefinitely, leaving victims without justice and the accused free to continue their behavior.

Political Expediency Over Morality

You might be wondering: why hasn’t there been more pressure from fellow Democrats to remove Miles? Why isn’t there more outrage? The truth is, Texas politics is an incestuous cesspool where loyalty to the party trumps loyalty to the truth. The Texas Democratic Party, afraid of losing political ground, has largely turned a blind eye to the allegations against Miles. There have been a few voices, like State Senator José Rodríguez, who have spoken out against the alleged behavior. But most Democrats have remained silent, unwilling to publicly condemn a fellow party member.

It’s not just about maintaining political power; it’s about maintaining political image. To push Miles out would be to admit failure — to admit that the Texas Democratic Party has a sexual harassment problem within its own ranks. And so, they’ve chosen the easy route: silence. The few calls for resignation — like those from Annie’s List, a group dedicated to electing women to office — have been easily dismissed by Miles and ignored by his colleagues.

Republicans, of course, have their own reasons for staying quiet. For them, the longer Miles remains in office, the longer they can point to him as an example of Democratic corruption. It’s a win-win for both sides: the Democrats avoid a messy internal fight, and the Republicans get a free punching bag.

Miles’ Financial and Legal Troubles: A Pattern of Poor Judgment

Beyond the sexual harassment allegations, Miles’ record of financial mismanagement and legal troubles is staggering. In 2007, he was indicted on two counts of deadly conduct for brandishing a firearm and making threats at two separate parties. This kind of behavior would have ended most political careers, but not in Texas. Miles managed to dodge any serious consequences, and the incident was quietly swept away as just another scandal in a state that’s become desensitized to political corruption.

But the legal issues didn’t stop there. Over the years, Miles has faced multiple tax delinquency cases in Harris County, racking up unpaid taxes and financial obligations. For a senator entrusted with managing public funds, this kind of financial irresponsibility should be disqualifying. Yet, like everything else in Miles’ career, it was brushed aside.

The question is, why? Why does Miles get a pass for behavior that would sink anyone else? The answer lies in the Texas political machine — a machine that protects its own, as long as they continue to serve the interests of the party and the system. Miles’ ability to survive scandal after scandal is a testament to just how broken Texas politics has become. It’s not about serving the people. It’s about serving the system.

A Culture of Corruption

The allegations against Miles aren’t just an indictment of one man. They’re an indictment of the entire political culture in Texas — a culture where sexual harassment is tolerated, legal and financial misconduct is overlooked, and accountability is nonexistent.

Miles is still in office because the system allows him to be. The Texas Legislature has built an impenetrable shield around its members, protecting them from consequences, no matter how serious the allegations. This isn’t just about one man’s bad behavior — it’s about a corrupt system that enables that behavior.

The real victims here are the people — both the individuals who’ve been directly harmed by Miles and the constituents who deserve better from their elected officials. Every day that Miles remains in office is another day that the Texas Legislature proves that it cares more about protecting its own than about serving the people.

The Shield of Corruption

The case of Borris Miles is not just a story of one politician’s misconduct. It’s a story of systemic failure — a failure of leadership, accountability, and integrity. The Texas Legislature has allowed a culture of corruption to flourish, where powerful men can act with impunity and victims are left without recourse.

If there’s any hope for Texas politics, it lies in reform — real reform that holds elected officials accountable for their actions, protects victims of harassment, and ensures that the people of Texas are represented by individuals worthy of the office. Until then, the state’s political system will remain as corrupt and broken as ever.

You can see our sources and citations in our research document here.