The Rise and Fall of Jack Doherty: YouTube’s Troublemaker Turns Toxic

Episode 98,   Oct 02, 10:13 PM

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You could be forgiven for not remembering Jack Doherty. In the fast-moving world of YouTube, where yesterday’s viral star becomes tomorrow’s punchline, Doherty seemed, at one point, to be everywhere. He was the quintessential social media success story, riding the algorithmic wave of viral challenges, cringe-worthy pranks, and stunts so obnoxious they could only appeal to the bored and disconnected youth of America.
Doherty’s brand was simple: be outrageous, be disruptive, and always push the envelope. He wasn’t trying to be liked—he was trying to be watched. And for a while, that formula worked. Jack Doherty went from a nobody with a camera to a somebody with millions of subscribers, sponsorship deals, and an ever-expanding empire of clout-chasing admirers.
But then, as with so many who reach the top of the digital fame mountain, things went sideways. What began with a meteoric rise ended in a seri...

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You could be forgiven for not remembering Jack Doherty. In the fast-moving world of YouTube, where yesterday’s viral star becomes tomorrow’s punchline, Doherty seemed, at one point, to be everywhere. He was the quintessential social media success story, riding the algorithmic wave of viral challenges, cringe-worthy pranks, and stunts so obnoxious they could only appeal to the bored and disconnected youth of America.

Doherty’s brand was simple: be outrageous, be disruptive, and always push the envelope. He wasn’t trying to be liked—he was trying to be watched. And for a while, that formula worked. Jack Doherty went from a nobody with a camera to a somebody with millions of subscribers, sponsorship deals, and an ever-expanding empire of clout-chasing admirers.

But then, as with so many who reach the top of the digital fame mountain, things went sideways. What began with a meteoric rise ended in a series of ugly public implosions, scandals, lawsuits, and a reputation so tarnished it might never be repaired. This is the story of how Jack Doherty built his empire—and how, brick by brick, he tore it down.

From Object-Flipping to Fame: The Meteoric Rise of Jack Doherty

To understand how Jack Doherty fell so hard and so fast, you first have to understand the way he climbed to the top. His story begins, like so many digital content creators of his generation, with a viral video. Doherty’s early content revolved around a seemingly innocent concept: flipping objects in random places. It was the kind of content tailor-made for YouTube’s algorithm, garnering millions of views as young kids, hypnotized by the simplicity of Doherty’s tricks, began subscribing in droves.

By 2017, Doherty had built a strong following, with his subscribers hooked on the promise of chaos in every video. As his fame grew, so did his ambition. He moved beyond object-flipping, leaning harder into disruptive stunts and pranks that increasingly bordered on harassment. Doherty would harass unsuspecting strangers, provoke authority figures, and perform stunts that, in any other context, might get you thrown out of school, banned from a public place, or worse. But in the world of YouTube, this behavior was rewarded.

By the time Doherty hit his peak in 2018, he had accumulated millions of subscribers. His young audience reveled in the rebellion he represented. He wasn’t just a content creator; he was their chaotic avatar, smashing the rules and expectations of adults who "just didn’t get it." But this success, as we’d soon see, was built on a shaky foundation.

The First Signs of Trouble: Walmart and The “Floor Is Lava” Challenge

Doherty’s first real brush with controversy came in 2018 when his Floor is Lava challenge videos—where he would walk into stores and disrupt business by pretending the floor was lava—went too far. One of his videos led to his being kicked out of a Walmart for his behavior, and the footage of his confrontation with store employees went viral.

For many YouTubers, this might have been a warning sign, a chance to recalibrate and rethink their content strategy. But for Doherty, this kind of notoriety was exactly the point. He wasn’t interested in making people happy—he was interested in making waves. His content became increasingly brazen, pushing the limits of what could be considered acceptable, all while hiding behind the thin veil of “entertainment.”

What was initially seen as harmless, if obnoxious, fun began to take on a darker tone. Doherty’s videos routinely featured him harassing strangers, mocking their reactions, and then cashing in on the views. It was a model that worked for a time, but as the controversies mounted, it was clear that this approach wouldn’t sustain his career forever.

The Inevitable Backlash: Racism, Entitlement, and Social Media Fights

By 2024, things started to unravel for Doherty in earnest. The controversies that had once driven traffic to his channel now began driving people away. The first major backlash came in March 2024, when a TikTok video surfaced showing Doherty encouraging a child to use a racial slur on camera. The video, which spread like wildfire across social media, sparked outrage and calls for Doherty to be deplatformed.

For the first time, it seemed that Doherty’s recklessness had gone too far. The reaction from his fanbase was swift and brutal. Young people who had once idolized Doherty began turning on him, disgusted by his behavior. His attempts to apologize were met with skepticism, and his once-loyal audience began to question whether he was just another online provocateur who had finally revealed his true colors.

As the controversy over the TikTok video raged on, Doherty found himself embroiled in yet another social media scandal. During an IRL (in real life) stream, Doherty encountered Liverpool striker Darwin Nunez and became enraged when Nunez ignored him. The incident, which Doherty broadcast live, was seen by many as the height of entitlement—a YouTuber who believed his fame granted him the right to demand attention from professional athletes.

These incidents, along with a growing list of social media fights with other creators, began painting a picture of Doherty as a toxic, entitled figure whose fame had gone to his head. But if Doherty thought the backlash would fade, he was wrong. The controversies were just beginning.

The Halloween Party Incident: Lawsuits and Legal Troubles

The tipping point for Doherty came on Halloween night, 2023, when an altercation at a party led to a lawsuit that would dog him for months. According to court documents, Doherty’s bodyguard, Justin Goslee, allegedly punched a man named Chase Gardella during a confrontation at a party hosted by fellow YouTuber David Dobrik. The incident, which was captured on livestream, showed Goslee punching Gardella, causing injuries to his head, neck, and face.

The lawsuit that followed accused Doherty and Goslee of assault, battery, and negligence, and it quickly became a public relations nightmare for Doherty. While Doherty’s legal team argued that the punch was in self-defense, the court of public opinion was far less forgiving. The incident was seen as further proof that Doherty’s success had bred a sense of invincibility—that he believed he could act with impunity and escape the consequences.

Adding insult to injury, Doherty’s insurance company, State Farm, filed its own lawsuit against him, claiming that his renters insurance policy did not cover the Halloween party incident because it involved willful acts of bodily harm. This legal tangle only deepened the crisis, as Doherty’s once-limitless wealth now faced the very real threat of draining away in legal fees and settlements.

The Fall from Grace: Losing Sponsorships, Losing Credibility

As the lawsuits mounted, so too did the damage to Doherty’s brand. Once a YouTube golden boy with lucrative sponsorship deals, Doherty found himself dropped by some of the biggest brands in the world. Adidas, Nike, Pepsi—all of them severed ties with Doherty in the wake of his Halloween party lawsuit and other controversies.

The loss of sponsorships dealt a huge blow to Doherty’s income. No longer able to rely on endorsement deals to supplement his ad revenue, Doherty’s financial future looked increasingly bleak. What had once been a thriving business was now in danger of collapsing under the weight of legal bills, bad press, and a shrinking fanbase.

And it wasn’t just the brands that were distancing themselves from Doherty. Fellow content creators, once eager to collaborate with the rising star, began shunning him as well. His association with controversial figures like the Island Boys and Fousey only added to the toxic cloud surrounding his name, further isolating him from the wider influencer community.

Damage Control Fails: Apologies That Fall Flat

Faced with mounting backlash and dwindling support, Doherty tried to embark on a public relations campaign to rehabilitate his image. He posted videos apologizing for his past behavior, claimed that he had learned from his mistakes, and even tried organizing charity livestreams in an attempt to show his commitment to positive change.

But these efforts were met with widespread skepticism. Many saw Doherty’s apologies as half-hearted and insincere, an attempt to salvage his career rather than a genuine effort at making amends. His charity streams, while initially well-received, were quickly called into question when viewers realized that Doherty hadn’t disclosed how much money was actually being donated or to which organizations. The lack of transparency only fueled suspicions that the charity efforts were a cynical ploy rather than a legitimate attempt to give back.

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to Doherty’s comeback, however, was Doherty himself. Despite his attempts at damage control, he continued to produce the same kind of controversial content that had gotten him into trouble in the first place. His refusal to fundamentally change his approach to content creation only reinforced the perception that Doherty hadn’t really learned anything—that he was simply trying to weather the storm until things blew over.

The Lawsuit Legacy: Long-Term Consequences for the Doherty Empire

As the legal battles dragged on into 2024, it became clear that the consequences of Doherty’s actions were more than just reputational—they were financial. The lawsuit brought by Chase Gardella was only the beginning. Other former employees and collaborators began coming forward with their own stories of mistreatment and harassment, threatening to unleash a flood of litigation that could cripple Doherty’s finances for years to come.

The financial impact was compounded by Doherty’s inability to secure new sponsorships. Once considered a marketable figure, Doherty’s name was now toxic in the eyes of brands, many of which feared being associated with his increasingly reckless behavior. With his income streams drying up and his legal bills piling higher, Doherty’s future as a content creator looked increasingly uncertain.

Reflecting on the Fall: A Digital Cautionary Tale

The story of Jack Doherty’s rise and fall is a cautionary tale about the fleeting nature of internet fame. Doherty built his empire on controversy, outrage, and disruption, but as the scandals mounted, he found himself unable to adapt to the changing landscape of digital content creation. His downfall serves as a stark reminder that while fame may come quickly, it can be lost just as fast.

In the end, Doherty’s story is not just about one man’s collapse—it’s about the culture that enabled and encouraged his behavior in the first place. Social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok reward content that generates views, engagement, and ad revenue, often without regard for the ethical implications of that content. Doherty’s success was driven by an algorithm that prioritized spectacle over substance, controversy over creativity. And when the spectacle became too much, the same platforms that helped build his career were quick to distance themselves, leaving Doherty to pick up the pieces.

As the legal cases against Doherty continue to unfold, his future remains uncertain. Whether he’ll be able to stage a comeback or fade into obscurity remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: Jack Doherty’s fall from grace is a reminder that in the world of internet fame, the higher you climb, the harder you fall.