207: Interview: Philip Blackett ~ Family Love Can Magic (And Cure) All Things!

Season 17, Episode 207,   Oct 06, 10:09 PM

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Philip shares two stories this week-and both are heartfelt...there's the story about his twin girls and then...well, then there's the story about Philip's childhood and the fact that he was four years old and still had not uttered a word. But guess what? Once again, we are reminded that Love and Faith and Dedication can conquer all things, and lift each and every one of us up! And oh yeah, it can cure pretty much everything, too! It's a seriously powerful story this week-and a good example of what happens when we believe in eachother! (yeah, here we are again discussing how potent belief is, and how it can change and shape worlds!)

Philip is so groovy, you absolutely need to check out his website here, and also, all his books! He is prolific! And the works he is engaging with...well, they are here to make the world a better place for all of us!

We need more people to go out into the world and create community, belonging and spaces where all are welcomed. Yes we might disagree, but that's OK, we can still respect and admire each other!

Your bit of beauty is this article from YES Magazine about four artists that are on the spectrum and how they create their art! It is powerful, gorgeous and a good reminder that there are all sorts of humans creating good stuff out there...and living into their potential! We need more diversity, more inclusivity and more inviting everyone to our tables. Together we absolutely are stronger!