Exercise and Osteoporosis Prevention: Mobility is Life

Season 2, Episode 106,   Sep 24, 2024, 02:00 PM

ust think of the everyday motion we do, lifting your arm up to grab your favorite coffee mug or favorite tumbler. It's high and you have to lift. Does it cause pain, is it uncomfortable. These simple movements of daily life can wreak havoc if we don't exercise. Activity is life! Listen, Watch, Subscribe, Like and Comment.

Welcome back to the Every Day Health Hacker channel, today we will be discussing Mobility is Life with special guest. Kelly Spencer, owner of Silver Fitness.  Many patients ask what type of exercise and how to get started on a wellness journey to prevent osteoporosis. The earlier the better, we always encourage. As we become mature in our life and our bones, we can loose muscle tone and loose bone strength, as our bones start to decrease the amount of new bone created our old bone literally sticks around. You have heard on our previous videos, that many treatments today for osteoporosis will just keep old bone around which can cause fracture, loss of teeth, many individuals even loose the dental implants they have had placed. Our bones are truly the foundation of our strength and to be able to lift up our arms to the top shelf of a counter, or step up stairs, we want to be able to do so comfortably with steadiness and strength. 
Activity is life! Listen, Watch, Subscribe, Like and Comment. For more information visit us on social media at IG @everydayhealthhacker, and visit Kelley Spencer's website to learn more about Silver Fitness at https://www.silverfitnessonthego.com/ or call us at Meridian 281-265-6565 we want to be your resource for medical and dental information.