What Makes A Narcissist 'Love Bomb' Their Partner

Sep 17, 07:22 PM

Episode image
In this episode of "The Narcissist Survivor Society", we examine the manipulative tactic of love bombing, breaking down its mechanics and insidious purpose. The podcast host explains that narcissists employ love bombing, showering their targets with affection, gifts, and praise, not out of genuine emotion, but as a calculated strategy to secure control and validation. This "bombardment" serves to overwhelm the target, inhibiting their ability to rationally assess the relationship's pace and dynamics. Once the narcissist has established emotional dependency, the love bombing subsides, leaving the target questioning their worth and desperately trying to regain the initial adoration, effectively becoming controlled by the narcissist's manipulation. The episode emphasizes that this behavior stems from the narcissist's deep-seated insecurity and need for external validation, rather than any genuine capacity for love.